Anybody else using parking assist in their garage?

Good to hear you are back in the saddle again. I got to bush hog my fields this weekend. I cut branches around the field edges and the trails in the woods last weekend and stepped into what must of been a big nest of chiggers. Them little turds just ate my legs up. I am covering myself with deet this weekend. I have itched and scratched all week.
I hear ya.
Last year before I could go out to mow I oiled up with either Avon "Skin So Soft" (until it ran out) or sprayed oil of lemongrass on, we had skeeters and no-see-um's REALLY bad.
This year it's been so dry just 1 or 2 skeeters here and there, not worth putting the stuff on.
Given a choice I'd like to have the rain back, even with the bugs.
I had to mow with a mask on it was so dusty and I've ordered new air filters for the push mower and the riding mower.
Permethrin is a chigger KILLER! If you don't want to mix it buy Sawyers.
It is expensive when compared to %10 etc. Mix according to directions
and soak your cotton clothes in a bucket, socks especially, hang to dry.
That is a suit of armour that will last a few washings till a recharge.
WARNING NOT GOOD FOR CATS!! Kills ticks chiggers mosquitoes.

I have my "Bug Suit" I put on before venturing outside. I am the best
mosquito caller God ever made. If there is only 1 in the whole county,
it is waiting for me to come outside and chiggers are worse!
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I always back into the garage. I glued a scrap piece of 1 x 4 to the floor where my back left tire would generally stop. When I back in, I open the door just enough to look at the back tire and get it just against the board and I am good. Never needs bulb, batteries, or any maintenance.
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