Sorry I can't shut off that floodlight, for purposes of testing this camera's intrinsic ability to surveille (UNASSISTED) at night. I hope that picture helped you somewhat.
Does it store focus with its preset points? Or does it rely on autofocus every time?
My current BeeCam is a Reolink RLC-423 that rotates every minute amongst my 3-4 hives, but it does not store focus points, so every time it moves from hive to hive I have to zoom a bit to force an autofocus, and autofocus doesn't work well when there are bees flying everywhere. A frequently get an mis-focus onto a bee that's much nearer the camera, throwing everything off until the camera rotates again.
Is it scriptable via HTTP?
Because I can't rely on the Reolink's auto "cruise" feature, due to the lack of focus points, I have written my own "cruise" feature, using tips from this very forum.
Can I do something similar for this Amcrest camera?
Thanks for the info. I like your setup and live stream. I think a varifocal camera would work for me. Since I only have two hives side by side, I don't need the pan or tilt features.