Arduino Uno with Ethernet shield INPUT/OUTPUT to Blue Iris.

Hi KiwiME
Can you give me any pointers to getting this code working please?
@Mattias I would like to thank you for this sketch. I have a couple areas in my front yard with almost a dozen large palm tree. It has been a real challenge to set up my motion detection without many false alarms or missing legitimate triggers.

I had an arduino and thought about connecting a PIR to it to trigger some cameras. I am new to arduino and have very limited programming knowledge but am learning every day. You sketch has saved the day for me and much frustration trying to write a sketch of my own.

Thanks again
I recommend interfacing through the web server, not BI's own arduino interface as it's quite lacking. Just what I do personally, but I'm not using an Uno directly, I use an ESP32S to handle the commands to web server.
Hello Kiwi

Attached inline is a write up of how I did the project:

View attachment 10189
You are right about the internal pull-ups, direct input should never be used when interfacing to the outside world. It's a cruel place out there and the Arduino will last about a day. All that wire is nothing but a big antenna and a local FM station will look like data to be processed! The one thing about using a normally-closed contact for the sensor output/s (high true as an Arduino digital input) is that a failure of the sensor wiring (like has been cut) will cause an alert. This is stand burglar alarm good practice even if I did not follow it.

Have fun, Eric

Would you know how to make this work with milestone xprotect essential+ (free vms) ?