Asking for help to get my NVR's channels / rstp going to my BI computer.


Getting comfortable
Dec 2, 2018
I did it once but forgot how. I think i used VLC to check the stream before adding the channels to my BI computer. I'm gonna post stream that is similar to what i used i think....

or maybe it was

I possibly needed to insert my login credentials somewhere?

No need to hurry on this issue, as I'll probably get distracted with something else...but am gonna copy and paste the correct stream this time in case i forget /change something.

I really need to spend some time configuring - using my BI computer setup. My NVR seems to be a uniview oem knock-off brand, as guard viewer is what it uses for ptp viweing.
Try these in VLC, maybe "s0" is for main stream and "s1" is for sub stream; could "c1" be channel 1 ????
Of course, place 2 "/" after "rtsp:"

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yes i think "c1" is for the corresponding channel of the nvr.

thanks...trying in a minute....

yes! thanks. That's it. rtsp:/admin:pW@NVR ip:554/unicast/c2/s0/live c2 + channel2 and s0 main s1, s2 substreams
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i put password but that's not my actual password :p
Yeah, if you don't use "Insert" => "Code" it interprets the text funny and prints emoticons.....:cool:
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