Was recently asked to install a LPR for a guy and he handed me a axis p1455-le varifocal cam. I Don't have much experience with lpr let alone this crazy expensive cam, so I though to give it a try and have been tinkering with it abit over the holidays while on lockdown. So far I've used this LPR topic for some settings I've seen here on the dahua 5241E-Z12E. This is what i got so far.

cam settings at default i just got the typical glare off plates, so this is what ive adjusted so far.


I am still getting bad pics at night possibly because some plate lights are too bright??

Any recommendations on the settings would be appreciated. I still have to dial in the motion zone for night and 10 snapshot timing, as I'm getting a lot of premature/mature snapshots from the head lights so pics are either too far away to read or not in the picture yet. also getting tons of false snapshots from snow flakes when it snows . would think axis has a smart ivs intrusion or tripwire with vehicle recognition .??

cam settings at default i just got the typical glare off plates, so this is what ive adjusted so far.


I am still getting bad pics at night possibly because some plate lights are too bright??

Any recommendations on the settings would be appreciated. I still have to dial in the motion zone for night and 10 snapshot timing, as I'm getting a lot of premature/mature snapshots from the head lights so pics are either too far away to read or not in the picture yet. also getting tons of false snapshots from snow flakes when it snows . would think axis has a smart ivs intrusion or tripwire with vehicle recognition .??
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