Avidsen Oga Motoriz

Oct 6, 2015
Hello all,

I am installing two Avidsen Oga Motoriz cameras for a client. Unfortunately she brought the cameras before I offered to do the job so I could not recommend better ones.

Using myp2pcam software works fine and I can see operate all functions on both cameras with this. I am trying to get these cameras woking from a browser so that I they can be viewed remotely however this fails every time. I ran a port scan which showed ports 1234 and 8080 being open but Chrome FF IE etc all fail when trying to connect to these.

Can anyone offer any advice besides using a hammer on these 2 bits of s*&t?

Any help would be much appreciated.

I ran a port scan which showed ports 1234 and 8080 being open
On the LAN, presumably?
If IE, Chrome etc cannot connect when on the LAN, no point trying to get internet access going.
What are the network settings/
How did you find the camera IP address?

I am trying to get these cameras woking from a browser so that I they can be viewed remotely
From the public internet, presumably?
You haven't mentioned if you have configured port forwarding, or if you've checked the results of that with something like canyouseeme.org or the broader tests of ShieldsUp! https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2
Yes I ran the port scan on the Lan as there is no point testing further until it's working on the Lan.

If I use myp2pcam software I can see the camera fine and all functions are working. I have setup port forwarding but not tested yet since if it's not working on the Lan then no point in trying on the public net.

The cam has been setup with a static IP address on the Lan and I am currently only trying to get this working with a wired connection straight into the router to rule out wifi issues. If you wish me to post network config I can but it's just a standard setup.
Is it possible that the camera does not provide a web GUI?
The technical info on the website seems very sparse.

If your PC has a telnet client - you could try as a test:
telnet <cameraIP> 8080
If it connects and gives a blank screen, type
GET / HTTP 1.1
and press Return a couple of times.
If you get a response, it should also work via the browser http://cameraIP:8080
If it just closes the connection - it doesn't mean much.
Is it possible that the camera does not provide a web GUI?
The technical info on the website seems very sparse.

Sparse is not the word. It would be easier to find ice cubes in the Serengeti. I have tried emailing there support but so far no response.

It is definitely possible that it does not supply a web GUI however as above information is limited...

Having tried Telnet I get a "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host" message which as you noted doesn't mean anything.

Its a shame myp2pcam does not offer remote connection services as I could just run straight through the program. If anyone should no a workaround with this software I would love to hear it.

If I had my own way these crap cameras would have already been filed under "b".
Having tried Telnet I get a "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host" message which as you noted doesn't mean anything.
No, that means the port is not listening, is not open.
Which contradicts your port scan. Definitely had the '8080' after a space after the IP address?
And maybe try with the 1234 as well.

If it just closes the connection - it doesn't mean much.
This was to do with the response (or lack of it) after issuing the 'GET' command.
I tried both ports 8080 and 1234 along with others but still the same response and yes I was inputting exactly as you said leaving a space after IP address then the port number.

Yesterday I tried to make contact with Avidsen support and have so far had zero response from them.

I used nmap for the port scan but I am getting different results each time I run a scan. Not to sure why this is.

After speaking with the client today I have explained how her needs are not going to be met with these cameras. I am looking into an alternative and have been browsing the Foscam range since they are within her price range and also look similar to the ones she has now.

Has anyone had direct experience with Foscam and can you make any recommendations as to the best model? I just need a basic ip cam with microphone that can be setup and accessed from off the premises using public internet. There may also be chance in the near future that she would want to record the video using a DVR.

Any recommendations would be much appreciated and thanks for all the help and suggestions thus far.
Don't buy Foscams for your client. Look at Hikvision and Dahua cameras instead. Not a lot of their models have built-in microphones so that should help narrow the selection down.
There should not be a space after the port number...

For example if you are trying to telnet to port 8080. You would enter


No spaces, and of course, use your IP address not the one I used for the example.

You could also try that in a web browser, again no spaces.

Good luck
There should not be a space after the port number...

For example if you are trying to telnet to port 8080. You would enter


No spaces, and of course, use your IP address not the one I used for the example.

I disagree with you on this as I have proven my Telnet syntax by using on a Telnet port that works. It is {IP Address}[SPACE]{Port Number}.
There should not be a space after the port number...
@pdxDavid For the simple Windows command-line telnet, the port is an optional parameter that needs to be delimited by a space.
I should have mentioned that the syntax was specific to Windows.
Out of curiosity, what flavour of telnet were you referring to?
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