AXIS P3224-V MK 11..What am I doing wrong ?

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
Hi Gang,
I Inherited a axis system about 8 months ago that I need to figure out. The Company that installed it on one of our remote sites got banned so they are of no help to me. The system Is running fine but at the time they purchased extra cameras for future use, well as I was told the future is NOW so I grabbed 2 of the spares and brought them back to the mother ship for testing before I Install them. I downloaded the Axis device manager and easily found the first cam..a small mini dome(M3045) got it set with a PW tested it and boxed it back up. The second cam is a Larger VF cam The p3224-V MK.


I connected it, saw a orange light then green thought it would make it. After 15 seconds of the green light goes dead. The device manager cannot find it either. This is repeatable with a power Injector and my Cisco catalyst switch. At first i thought it might be poe+ but that ain't the case according to the spec's.

Axis power.JPG

I went to see what the lights Indicate and a steady green is full function, red and orange indicate different issues like boot up, network connectivity, firmware updates and so on. Because I do not know these cams well, Is there anything I might be missing to why its doing this. I do not think that this cam takes a external wall wart anyplace either. I will be going back today to the site and will grab another one for testing to see If that one will work. These cams are brand new FYI.



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UPDATE, The indicator light does NOT stay lit once the cam had booted, I checked the other one and it did the same thing. For some reason DHCP did not work on that cam like it did on the others, so I segregated it with a power Injector and a laptop and used the default Subnet for Axis Cams (192.168.0.X) and She took. Sometimes you just have to do the work. I know a few years ago they purchased this VF for $425 bux. I know Axis is a revered name in Commercial Integrator world but for a 720p VF and NO IR to boot, I'M thinking that's steep but they are paying me to install it and not slam them for buying them. Next week I will try to get it working with the AXIS server, that should be fun.
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I connected it, saw a orange light then green thought it would make it. After 15 seconds of the green light goes dead. The device manager cannot find it either.

When the camera is initially connected to POE, the internal LED will go orange, this is good. It usually goes out after a few seconds (10-15).

I've also had the device manager not find some cameras occasionally. I found that stopping and restating the Axis device manager service allowed cameras to be discovered again. There is also a setting on the camera (Bonjour or uPNP) that if disabled prevents the camera from being found by the device manager. By default these should be active (but may have been subsequently disabled). It may be worthwhile factory resetting any of the new cameras that are playing up and scanning for them again.
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When the camera is initially connected to POE, the internal LED will go orange, this is good. It usually goes out after a few seconds (10-15).

I've also had the device manager not find some cameras occasionally. I found that stopping and restating the Axis device manager service allowed cameras to be discovered again. There is also a setting on the camera (Bonjour or uPNP) that if disabled prevents the camera from being found by the device manager. By default these should be active (but may have been subsequently disabled). It may be worthwhile factory resetting any of the new cameras that are playing up and scanning for them again.

I did notice the Axis Device Manager did not ask for any plug ins and wanted me to use Chrome or Firefox. You are sure correct about disabling Bonjour and UPNP, By habit I shut em down if I see em, and YES after I did that it did in fact get disconnected from the eyes of the device manager. Good thing I set a static IP and was able to get back into them for now. With Stock settings these cams are VERY dark and dim, The guys who Installed them left all of them that way, I have been enabling WDR on them and its sooo much better. The Issue I have right now is they left NO passwords for the Installed cams so I can not log into them directly but do have some controls through the server, I did not see a button inside them for a reset, how do you do a re set on them if you would not mind sharing that.

I did not see a button inside them for a reset,

You did see it !!:), its the 'control button' at the bottom of the arrow in your photo. You can freely download the manual from the axis web site - AXIS P3225-LVE Mk II Network Camera

To reset, from the manual, remove power, hold down the button while reconnecting power, hold for 15-30 seconds until the amber LED starts flashing, then release the button. When process is complete the LED should turn Green.
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You did see it !!:), its the 'control button' at the bottom of the arrow in your photo. You can freely download the manual from the axis web site - AXIS P3225-LVE Mk II Network Camera

To reset, from the manual, remove power, hold down the button while reconnecting power, hold for 15-30 seconds until the amber LED starts flashing, then release the button. When process is complete the LED should turn Green.
LOL Thanks Im Lazy sometimes and I did see that tab but it did not connect in my older and ageing brain. Besides The Axis form here need a little love at times.
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