Axis Q1785-LE strange IR illumination issues


Sep 8, 2024
Hello, i have a q1785-le and this cam has some strange "habits".
the camera has an ir illumination and the web interface doesnt show the ir settings. sometimes when i reset the camera it appears and after a while it just disappears without any "human intervention".
that really sucks.
the other thing is (and i am not sure if this IR problem is related to the other issue) the cam installs after a hard reset the traffic wizard app. i am not sure if thats a standard app for the Q1785-LE. i have no idea to prevent the installation of this app.
i was looking via ssh on the cam to find anything related to this app or to the ir illumination what explains these strange things but i couldnt find anything. the cam was at axis place and it came back with ir illumination but after some days ... dang it disappeard again.
maybe some of you guys have some ideas.
this behaviour is firmware independent. i also tried the oldest i was able to get and also with the one you mentioned same thing. (sry for the other username but i logged in with my github account)