Axis Q1798-LE Sample - 4/3 MFT Sensor - 4K - 10 MP - Sample Clip

You still running this cam? How are you liking it? I picked up its little brother on eBay (Q1786-LE) but am disappointed it doesn’t offer H.265. It’s crazy to run a 4MP cam without H.265. I’m thinking about flipping it back to eBay and hunting for this cam instead.
You still running this cam? How are you liking it? I picked up its little brother on eBay (Q1786-LE) but am disappointed it doesn’t offer H.265. It’s crazy to run a 4MP cam without H.265. I’m thinking about flipping it back to eBay and hunting for this cam instead.
On axis cam you can use Zipstream

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Yeah I can, but that’s basically a fancy compression algorithm. Im wanting to use this as another LPR cam.
A 4K cam for LPR ?
The best way is to use a cam with very good optical zoom , 4K in night mode with fast shutter speed is not the best for LPR

Try with AXISQ1786-LE
I already have it. Like I said, it doesn’t offer H.265 so bit rates are off the chart at 4MP at high settings. When I bought it used on ebay I didn’t even think to check if it had H.265. I just figured all 4MP had it by now. It’s no real loss. I can resell it for what I bought it anyway if I decide to.

Actually the camera in the OP won’t work for me anyway since it too limited in zoom.
i understand , thats why i never purchase Axis cam :)
I have tested last week P3715-PLVE for my job ... its shit

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Results are wonderful. I just need to play with zip stream a bit and see if I can get the bit rate down to sane levels. 50mbps+ rates are silly when everything is cranked up and using no zip stream and low compression.
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