Bad resolution

By the way when I'm looking at the 2 snapshots side by side the 8mp image looks better
The 5mp looks soft and noisy

Even though both stills are only 1080p
When I digitally zoom the image there is more detail on the 8mp still
How do I get an 8mp snapshot? I'm viewing on my NVR, and their doesn't seem to be any other option for a higher res snapshot. I'm doing a capture during playback
How do I get an 8mp snapshot? I'm viewing on my NVR, and their doesn't seem to be any other option for a higher res snapshot. I'm doing a capture during playback
I'm not sure in the dahua nvr as I don't own one but there will be s setting somewhere
Google it

As a reference this is my 2mp starlights PTZ camera still
No light other than streetlight.
It's at full 2mp 1080p resolution


My NVR is a Hikvision, thanks I'll Google it after work. That's pretty good for a 2MP!
My bad
Just Google it when you get a minute I have a hikvision NVR also but off the top of my head can't remember the option

It is a very good image at more or less default settings.

But it was more to highlight the difference between the low light settings of the 2mp dahua cams against the higher resolution cameras both hik and dahua.

Sometimes more pixels isn't always better