Welcome to the forum!
I also live in Seattle. I wasn't able to find an outfit that knowledgeably sold hardware. You've got Costco/BestBuy if you want to touch and feel, or you have outfits that want to sell the "whole deal", ie: installation & monitoring. Those outfits aren't geared for retail sales of hardware to a DIY person.
That's one of many reasons this forum is so valuable. Yes, the forum can't provide the "touch & feel" experience. But I think the forum provides more objective, and probably more accurate info compared to talking with a salesperson in a Seattle store... YMMV.
It might help if you describe your project & objectives. eg: single system for home, multi-camera system for work, how many cams, 24/7 recording, your level of proficiency, etc.
I'll bet the forum can point you in the right direction, with guidance. Or feel free to PM me.