Well can't be Poe+ switch, it's brand new, so that leaves wire which I wanted to replace anyway some point.100% cabling or power supply issue and been talked about many times on other threads on the forum.
Well can't be Poe+ switch, it's brand new, so that leaves wire which I wanted to replace anyway some point.100% cabling or power supply issue and been talked about many times on other threads on the forum.
Cable is solid copper and heavy duty for ground use, actually I don't like it as it's not flexible. It's probably 4 years old cat 6e and 70 ft long. Previous Ptz didn't have an issue thoughIf you made the cable, then make certain the cable is Solid Copper cable, and not Copper Clad Aluminum.
Also make sure the cable is 23AWG or 24AWG gauge wire.
And the connections where made with either the 568A or 568B wiring standard.
NO flat ethernet cables should be used....ever.
Waterproof connector been covered by self amalgamating tape for a year aside from that I didn't have a box or anything else. I will try redoing connection and put it inside box thanks for suggestion.Did you use dielectric grease on the RJ connector? Is it properly weatherproofed with a gland, self amalgamating tape and electrical tape? Even in a box, or other enclosure, moisture can build from the simple heating/cooling cycle between day and night. Over time that can produce problems, sometimes very little time before it starts going south.
It has up and down setting/live buttons. No left right thoughYes that PTZ limit will limit how far it rotates left/right and up/down.
Do they come home at a certain time every night? My thoughts are to move it to a preset that doesn't auto track, adjust the schedule on the IVS trigger, move it out of a preset when you see them coming and put it back after, or possibly draw a privacy mask around the area you don't want to track them through (but I'm not sure that would work, haven't tried it).One other dumb question. Is there a way to limit travel of ptz during auto tracking? Camera likes to wonder to neighbor door when he arrives home and I don't want to spook him that I am watching. I see the is "ptz limit" but not sure how to use it
Unfortunately neither schedule or privacy mark will work. Schedule is random and camera follows any car tripped by wire on the street so if that car goes into driveway then it would also follow. It's a bummer I can't limit horizontal panDo they come home at a certain time every night? My thoughts are to move it to a preset that doesn't auto track, adjust the schedule on the IVS trigger, move it out of a preset when you see them coming and put it back after, or possibly draw a privacy mask around the area you don't want to track them through (but I'm not sure that would work, haven't tried it).
Try adding a one-way tripwire that only tracks if they exit their driveway. I noticed my 49225 stopped tracking pedestrians exiting an intrusion zone when I had it set up to track when they entered. Not sure if it was a fluke or not as I haven't put a SD card in my camera quite yet, but it's worth a shot.Unfortunately neither schedule or privacy mark will work. Schedule is random and camera follows any car tripped by wire on the street so if that car goes into driveway then it would also follow. It's a bummer I can't limit horizontal pan
Should I enable ROI. Don't know much about it.Yeah do not use MD and SMD with IVS, just IVS.
Try just the intrusion box and see if that improves performance. If not, then try the tripwire.
But do not have the intrusion box be the whole field of view. If you do, that is how it starts that wander at first start to track and loses it. Ideally the subject needs to be as close to the center of field of view as possible in most instances.
Should I enable ROI. Don't know much about it.