best motion detection softwares?


Getting the hang of it
Sep 13, 2015
Which are the best motion detection SW? (Apart the cost)
I know it can't be perfect, but I'm searching the less imperfect ones.
Those with less false detects, more options such as line crossing, intrusion area detection etc
Hikvision vs Dahua?
I mean, free Hikvision sw is comparable on this subject, to more costly solutions or are there some progs that excel in this field?
At the moment I tried:
-) BI and I find it good with the options it has, but at the moment it lacks some tracking feature/line crossing and more (do you know some roadmaps on these improvements?).
-) Sightound, but it's not a lot better than BI, it failed especially with car's lights, even with line crossing.
Not hik 4200 as I don't own a hik camera at the moment.
Cameras detect light not physical movement. When it comes to motion detection all the software is doing it detecting the change in light in the detection area. My house is located on a "T" intersection and every time a car comes down the road toward my house at night the headlights register as a motion event. I find Intrusion Detection does a better job at reducing the false alarms but not enough to where I would have it alert and wake me up at night. I have never played around with Sighthound but from what I have seen it's supposed to be a lot more intelligent in detecting people and reduce false alerts.

To solve the problem and because I want to be alerted when someone comes up my driveway at night I bought the below motion detector on Amazon a few years ago. It works great and rarely do I have a false alarm. When it goes off, I know someone is in my front yard / driveway. And cats don't set it off which is a huge plus. If you put a lithium 9 volt in the sensor it will last over a year.
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Thank you hook3m, I know using PIR is a safer choice for alerts.
But, now I'm interested in knowing better which SW is the top notch in dealing with motion detection itself.
Any SW will have their particular approach to this, I'm asking if someone has done some comparative tests and reviews or tried different SW and which is the best in his experience.
I use Blue Iris which allows you to customise motion detection sensitivity very easily across a number of areas. You can change the contrast difference, the size of the object detected, and the amount of time the system must detect motion before activating. There is also a motion detect reject function which reduces false alarms but reduces sensitivity. You can also mask out things like trees to prevent the branches triggering detection, as long as that doesn't result in important parts of the scene being masked. You can also set areas of interest.

The downside is that Blue Iris is resource hungry.

There is also a school of thought, that I don't personally subscribe to, that you should not use motion detection only, and record 24/7 on at least one camera.

What you can do with Blue Iris is create two (or more) virtual cameras with different settings from a single physical camera. If you wanted to you could set up one of these virtual cameras to record continuously at say 1 or 2 frames per second and have the other one set to motion detect.

I use motion exclusively, but I spent a very long time testing the system to ensure it activates when I want it to. It is my personal view that you can rely on motion detection, however you must test it extensively, and you must accept that you will have false activations. The more you attempt to dial out false activations the less reliable your motion detection will become.
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Thank you, SyconsciousAu. Me too, at the moment, use BI the same way, with multiple virtual cameras to detect different areas (it could be a better option to have different zones with different settings/alerts (like profiles) in a single camera, more with some AND/OR comparison from different zones to optimize false detects).

BUT my question, now, is related at a panoramic of the best softwares for motion detection in the market.
I mean, BI is good, but apart the efforts in carefully setting it to get less false detects, I think it lacks at least a line crossing/tracking that should be more safe.
Besides, is there some different implementation of the same function, such as line crossing, in different SW that support it?
Is Hikvision line crossing comparable to Bosch/Agilent/Exacq line crossing, or the last ones are better relative to false alarms in detection?
It seems more advanced, but how much?
For example, I saw this old review here:
but you need to pay to know the results...

I would like to know a list of analytics SW that can be used with a VMS and knowing which is the state of the art in detection now in 2015. Sort of review or comparison from someone that made some tests on them. The best less false alarms prog there.
Strangely I don't find a lot of info on the net on this subject: all you find is some similar general video on detection, no comparison.
Should one buy (costly) at blind?