BI 5 issue with triggers vs alerts sending email

Oh - Sentry is a paid service that is different than the BI payment.

But the DeepStack AI integration is free as part of BI.

i guess i mis read somewhere it was part of the sub to blue iris. guess i will have to look into deepstack setup. not too fond of the other options that use telegram.
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Boy did I just get mail bombed. I set up the email server to my hotmail address, which forwards to my gmail. So my phone was getting hammered by both accounts.
I only enabled the LPR cam to report ( so i thought) in the menus you guys are talking about. How Do i stop all the other cameras from emailing me? I just want a few outdoor cams emailing me. just turned off POP in gmail. so I stopped the double mail bomb. But Christ almighty
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Boy did I just get mail bombed. I set up the email server to my hotmail address, which forwards to my gmail. So my phone was getting hammered by both accounts.
I only enabled the LPR cam to report ( so i thought) in the menus you guys are talking about. How Do i stop all the other cameras from emailing me? I just want a few outdoor cams emailing me. just turned of POP in gmail. so I stopped the double mail bomb. But Christ almighty
under triggers dont have email setup for anything

setup email under alerts tab
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Boy did I just get mail bombed. I set up the email server to my hotmail address, which forwards to my gmail. So my phone was getting hammered by both accounts.
I only enabled the LPR cam to report ( so i thought) in the menus you guys are talking about. How Do i stop all the other cameras from emailing me? I just want a few outdoor cams emailing me. just turned of POP in gmail. so I stopped the double mail bomb. But Christ almighty
i ran into that same issue on initial setup, was getting emails on every trigger.
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So will that enable individual cams?
the first try was a disaster. Seemed like when i setup 1 camera on teigger/email, was getting all cams somehow. I was busy out in the back parking lot for an hour and my phone started getting slammed with old ladies running laundry machines! I was trying to just use my LPR!
I have to spend tonight in email hell, because im not at work. Be interesting to see how my lpr settings look though.
I did a lot of my configuration using bi 5 manual you can download it in pdf. It goes into detail for every option in bi 5. I would stay there then if you run into issues search the forums then try posting.
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Good section on how to setup triggers and alerts in the manual. Section on lpr also.
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@Flintstone61 - not sure how you got all the cams LOL as the alerts are set up within the individual camera LOL.
it was as if I had set a global setting. But i had only set email on trigger for the z12
Reading the fucking manual 60 years old, I have to read everything 2x or more to make it stick. but when I click on shit and fuck things up i seem to remember. " well lets not do that again" :banghead:
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Reading the fucking manual 60 years old, I have to read everything 2x or more to make it stick. but when I click on shit and fuck things up i seem to remember. " well lets not do that again" :banghead:
i was really surprised on how much detail the manual actually is compared to most. i still going thru it to tweak stuff today. the section on advance alerts is pretty good. only thing it doesnt go into great detail is sentry, deepstack and lpr since those are 3rd party features. but i set up my triggers and alerts per the manual trading off cpu usage to settings i wanted. one thing i learned was overlays incur a big cpu hit as stated in the manual and it does in real life. i run about 8% but if you even set an overlay and dont turn it live it still adds about 10% cpu usage.

another thing i learned was that simple detection is like using bi 4 settings and edge detection (default for bi 5) is more sensitive.

on triggers high definition uses 4x the screen real estate (smaller blocks) to detect movement for zones than if its not checked, and the zone areas defined in high and normal are independent of each other. you cant set the filled in area in high and expect it to carry over to the normal setting.

again a lot is explained in the manual, just have to read a few times to understand it, which i have since im old and it doesnt always click the first time reading thru.

good luck
Reading the fucking manual 60 years old, I have to read everything 2x or more to make it stick. but when I click on shit and fuck things up i seem to remember. " well lets not do that again" :banghead:
lol i just learned how to wake the pc screen from sleep mode on a trigger and set that camera to focus in the main window so i dont have to set the window screensaver to like 30 mins now. (also you cant set a password on the screensaver for this to work)
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Simpler solution, just run BI as a service and only open the console screen when you actually need it.
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Simpler solution, just run BI as a service and only open the console screen when you actually need it.
i would but i run stunnel so i need that running first before BI starts. i just run a startup.bat file that i setup in windows scehduling, pretty simple really.
timeout /t 9
C:\Windows\explorer.exe z:\

this is to ensure the mapped drive is accessible

timeout /t 9
cmd /c start Z:\Emby\system\EmbyServer.exe

starts my ember server (portable version that all the files reside on my synology server on mapped drive Z

timeout /t 9
cmd /c start e:\stunnel\bin\stunnel.exe

start stunnel from local machine E drive

timeout /t 9
cmd /c start E:\BlueIris\BlueIrisAdmin.exe

start blue iris from local machine E drive (instead of running it as a service) need to eventually configure watchdog to send notifications via email in case it doesnt start up or has issues.

also the blue iris is on its on vlan separate from the synology server, which is on another vlan (archived clips are stored on mapped drive on the synology that only blue iris can write to)
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Simpler solution, just run BI as a service and only open the console screen when you actually need it.
also i have windows scheduling reboot the machine once a week on tuesday after 7am, i shutdown my main server at 640 am and startup at 650 am via synology scheduling.
Reading the fucking manual 60 years old, I have to read everything 2x or more to make it stick. but when I click on shit and fuck things up i seem to remember. " well lets not do that again" :banghead:
you wouldnt happen to have your camera's in a group would you? that might explain why you are getting emails from all your camera's. if you left the trigger checkbox at default, one of them is group so it will fire if you have any camera's in the group looking at the zone you have checked.
i mighta had a group on the PTZ for a couple days 2 computers ago and 2 BI builds since. I never got it to work. don't hink it carried over. But I have zero time to play with BI as I am a Handy man, boiler guy, pool boy, compactor man, vacuum dude, and help the old lady get a microwave in the house guy...first. the cameras are low on the list, but they've been gaining in popularity since we can find out who did what, and to who, and when.....
my learning curve is long since the system is at work. I have 2 instances of BI installed at home on pc's to monkey around with camera's and look through menu's to try and gain knowledge....and help the new people who pass through here.
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