BI and RPI as external audio source for IP Camera


Jul 7, 2016
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I'm using a couple different IP cameras in my BI system, and none of them have microphones. My idea is to add one (or more) using a Raspberry Pi.

It looks like BI has the capability to add an audio source from a different address under the "Network IP Camera Configuration", but I'm having no luck.

The instructions say this for the Audio:
For the majority of cameras and with RTSP streaming, the audio path box should remain blank, and the audio format is automatically configured. It is however possible to pull audio from a completely separate URL or camera altogether.

I can't find much more about it anywhere on the internet, so I figured I'd come here and ask. It looks like people are doing things with cheap second IP camera and just using the mic from that, but why not use a Raspberry Pi? They're cheap, and I'm sure people have them laying around wondering what to do with them.

Anyway, for my setup, I have a Raspberry Pi, and a USB audio device with an AGC powered microphone. The audio setting in BI defaults to "64 kbps G.711 u-law" so I left it that way and set up an audio stream on the RPI to match using "gstreamer-1.0" which took me a long time to figure out, and I stream it UDP to a multicast IP address of port 5000.

On my Windows PC, I am able to hear the audio stream using VLC and opening up "rtp://" and tells me "Type: Audio, Codec: PCM MU-LAW (mlaw), Channels:Mono, Sample rate: 8000 Hz, Bits per sample: 16". And of course I can hear the audio clearly. The internet tells me that u-law is just an abbreviated version of mu-law, so this should match the setting in BI.

So, back to BI, I tried entering "rtp://" or "" in to the Audio Path, and turned Audio On and set it to IP Camera Source. I also tried checking the rtp/udp setting and setting it to 5000, but nothing seems to work. It even seems to be causing problems with recording now, so I turned it all off.

So am I doing something wrong with BI, or is the stream not going to work? Any help would be greatly appreciated!