BI Interferes with WIFI devices - ROKU FREEZES


Nov 3, 2015
I have downloaded the Blue Iris and have successfully connected all 7 IP Cams (all Foscams) .... but the router seems to act up and I lose connections with other WIFI connected devices like I pads, laptop and ROKU is freezing up - excessively....When I turn off the BI - the WIFI problems disappear and everything is back to normal even when all cameras are still on and broadcasing on web. So I am certain it has something to do with the BI software.
Do you have any suggestions to solve this issue? Currently I have BI - trial version - need to make decision soon within 10 days - your urgent help will be greatly appreciated.

What's the make/model of the router?
Whats the model of the IP cams and the resolution you have them set to?
Have you set all IP cameras to have DHCP reservations in the router and assigned them static IP's in the cameras web interface?

It sounds like your router can't handle the constant stream of wireless traffic from the cameras.

What do you mean they are still broadcasting on the web? As in you can login to the cameras from your computer? If that's the case, the cameras aren't transmitting the video feed to anything (when you aren't logged in) hence not putting any strain on the router.

Using wifi for IP security cameras is never a good idea. Running an Ethernet cable would be a better choice, it would also make your set up more reliable.

I'm also not a fan of Foscam, Hikvision and Dahua make better IP cameras.
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It sounds to me like nothing more or less than overloaded wifi. Wire as many heavy network usage devices as you can with network cable, starting with the Blue Iris PC if it isn't already wired. Get powerline adapters if running network cable through walls/attic/crawlspace is out of the question. Powerline networking is a lot like wifi networking though, in that the real world speeds are usually a lot lower than advertised. So I recommend at least the 500 Mbps specced models. But maybe the cheaper 200 Mbps adapters would work just as well. It all depends on your house wiring.
Thanks for your quick replies.....
My router is from ATT Uverse -perhaps 3-5 years old 3800HGV-B.... I suspect it can't handle the load as suggested by both of you - I just ordered new router from Amazon - Linksys WRT AC1900 which is highly rated....
some of my cameras are long ways away from the router and signal go through several walls - so they drop out at present - thanks to BI they are back on within minutes....but I feel the new router will help a lot....with both issues.

BTW - The IP cams are Foscam 3x8910 and 4x9805 all assigned a static IP as advised by Foscam and the main computer hosting the BI is hard wired. The rest of the items - IP cams, Roku, Ipad, cells phones etc are on WIFI.
I am hoping to make it all work falwless on WIFI using the new router.....

Thanks again.
All my issues with BI interfering with Roku are GONE instant I installed the new router - Linksys WRT 1900AC - has dual band 2.4 Ghz and 5 ghz.
I linked Roku using 5 Ghz and Ip cams on 2.4 Ghz and no more interference problems.
Now I am very happy with BI thanks to WRT 1900AC.
I reset IP address for all cameras to move them to the new router....which means I had to bring them down and connect to the Ethernet port just as if setting up the new cams first time.
Also the main computer loaded with BI software is also connected to the new router with Ethernet. I now have everything on the new router - so I turned off broadcasting on the old ATT Uverse router - use it as a modem only - to be on safe side.
However - Since the new router is not connected to internet directly - I had to use port forwarding on the old router to forward the BI port to the new router.
The BI global setting shows its connected to internet. However when I check it with canyouseeme service it indicated that port was I am not sure I will be able to access BI???
Any suggestions are welcome.

All my issues with BI interfering with Roku are GONE instant I installed the new router - Linksys WRT 1900AC - has dual band 2.4 Ghz and 5 ghz.
I linked Roku using 5 Ghz and Ip cams on 2.4 Ghz and no more interference problems.
Now I am very happy with BI thanks to WRT 1900AC.
I reset IP address for all cameras to move them to the new router....which means I had to bring them down and connect to the Ethernet port just as if setting up the new cams first time.
Also the main computer loaded with BI software is also connected to the new router with Ethernet. I now have everything on the new router - so I turned off broadcasting on the old ATT Uverse router - use it as a modem only - to be on safe side.
However - Since the new router is not connected to internet directly - I had to use port forwarding on the old router to forward the BI port to the new router.
The BI global setting shows its connected to internet. However when I check it with canyouseeme service it indicated that port was I am not sure I will be able to access BI???
Any suggestions are welcome.


See if your Uverse router has a "bridge mode". If so, turn that on, then the Uverse will stop acting like a router and your Linksys will get direct access to your public IP address so port forwarding will work the way you would expect it to.
I did a little research and found your Uverse router probably does not have an actual "bridge mode" but you can configure it to behave similarly. Just google for "3800HGV-B bridge mode" and you should find several guides.
Yes I succesfully setup router behind router using the guideline provided by following site - still having same problem - port is not open to internet so no remote viewing possible....I guess I will need to call Focam Tech Support they usually help with remote log-in. In the meantime do you have any other suggestions I should try out???
post a screenshot of your router port forwarding settings.
We will need to see the port forwarding settings in both routers, probably. You can black-out the public IP address if it appears in any of the screenshots. Please do not black out port numbers or internal IP addresses (internal addresses are those which start with 10. or 192.168.).
I had Foscam tech support look into the setting - he reported all setting are correct -He advised me to turn off antivirus - which I did not like as it will be too risky ??? Then he said the BI software issue and asked mr to contact BI software for support.
So I am back to square one... Here are the screenshots you requested - I cropped the part showing public IP so hopefully it is secure?Any advise will be appreciated.

LinksysRouterPort Setting .jpgATT Router Port Setting.jpg
I have Uverse modem router which was not strong enough and was causing Roku freezing up - so I installed Linksys router and the Uverse router - its just modem now.
So now I have Linksys router behind the Uverse Modem - which works fine for Roku and I can see all cams on BI which is on the PC connected to the router.
However I can't access the BI via internet though I can see the cams using other apps like Foscam cloud and tinyCam
I have posted the settings for the router and modem in my earlier post dated 11-16-2015 for your ref
I shall appreciate your help in resolving this issue.
I have Uverse modem router which was not strong enough and was causing Roku freezing up - so I installed Linksys router and the Uverse router - its just modem now.
So now I have Linksys router behind the Uverse Modem - which works fine for Roku and I can see all cams on BI which is on the PC connected to the router.
However I can't access the BI via internet though I can see the cams using other apps like Foscam cloud and tinyCam
I have posted the settings for the router and modem in my earlier post dated 11-16-2015 for your ref
I shall appreciate your help in resolving this issue.
You need to put your uverse modem into bridge mode.