BI running in background but won't come up on screen


Young grasshopper
Sep 16, 2021
After I completed a BI update the application suddenly wouldn't launch properly. The splash screen will pop up, showing that it is logging in, then it just disappears. It is showing up in the background processes. Tried multiple force quits and multiple reboots on my pc. Anyone else face this before?
It sounds like you have it running as a Windows service??
Easiest suggestion, while it's running in the background, try starting a second instance of it.
Just making sure, you can see it if you log in with another device or even with a browser on the BI computer, right?
Since you were having problems, did you go into Task Manager and stop any instances of Blue Iris before you ran the older update?
Ok, hopefully someone else can pop in with a suggestion or two, because the only one I'd have after this is to uninstall it and then reinstall it...
Far right is services tab. Open that then go to BI and stop it there. You may need to right click from within that tab to open up the services console to completely kill it and then try the install again.
Ok, go here and grab the right program for your version (4 or 5). Install it. Run it, Select BI Registration Info and it will show you your key...

Done. So I completely deleted BI off my PC, however, since downloading the most decent version off their website the program will launch then crash. I deleted all my BI files and my cameras still come up on BI momentarily. Thats odd.
You deleted files, or you uninstalled the program??
Dis you clean the registry, PerspectiveSoftware?
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