Bicycle Stripping


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Washington State
This is an odd one. An abandoned bicycle has been sitting on the bridge just to the right of my camera for several days. Today someone showed up and started taking it apart. I assumed they were dissembling it to fit into the car, but then I was surprised by the use of bolt cutters. First cut seemed to be of the front derailleur cage which freed up the chain a bit, but it was still wrapped around the frame so he cut the chain. He packed up all the parts, but left the frame. It looked like a cheap Walmart bike to me so the components probably weren't worth much.

Did you get a plate?

He needs to learn how to use a belt. His ass was hanging out.
There was pet (dog?) in the front seat.
So numb nuts left the frame for someone to trip over or run over and puncture a tire.
He earns a ticket for littering, if it were up to me.:confused:
I assume he was moving the frame to the side of the road/trail.

Just a bit to the right of frame is a large tree trunk laid parallel to the stream bed that acts as a barrier to keep cars from running into the stream. He propped the bike frame up against that barrier. It's nice that the frame is out of the way so people don't run over it or trip on it, but I can't monitor it anymore.
I would have put a green laser on his chest
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