I wonder if Brandon has become such a degenerate that he'd nibble on this one's ears...I'd pay $10 to see it, frankly. Maybe heshe it would kick him in the nutz. That'd be worth $20.
President-elect Joe Biden has tapped Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine to be his assistant secretary of health, leaving her poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Tough bananas. Your job is to follow the damn law. If you don't like it, that's your right. Your job is to follow it. You're just a bunch of criminals, flaunting how you get away with it with impunity.
Tough bananas. Your job is to follow the damn law. If you don't like it, that's your right. Your job is to follow it. You're just a bunch of criminals, flaunting how you get away with it with impunity.
They are going to use every fine-print rule they can to make payments = ZERO for tens of millions of people while forgiving ALL interest. People will just NOT pay.
Emperor Biden has that covered too--- 87,000 IRS agents and something like a billion rounds of ammo.... This guy has to go so his handlers no longer have a puppet.
If most people did it, then yes. The government is subject to the will of the people. If the will means burning down cities because a guy ODed on fentanyl while incompetent police handled him, then they accept that. If the will of the people is to rob Walmart until they shut down, then they accept that.
We have established a system of mob rule; so the only trick is to make sure you're part of the mob.
Emperor Biden has that covered too--- 87,000 IRS agents and something like a billion rounds of ammo.... This guy has to go so his handlers no longer have a puppet.
Well, if we are talking about the same 87,000 new recruits they found at starbucks, then they need to make sure their first shot kills me instantly. Otherwise, the IRS recruiters will be back at starbuck recruiting some more.
you should change the title of this thread to start "the biden". It's a disease on our Nation. That nibbling on that little Swedish little girl is so utterly disgusting.
What I want to know, is that IRS agent got a hotdog hanging out of her pocket, or is the thought of having 6 zoomers pointing plastic squirt guns at her making her/him happy??