bidens incredible transition to electric cars

I wasn't thinking of the convenience store angle, which might be big since drivers charging their EV have to kill a bunch of time. This need to kill time might lead to an even bigger retail and restaurant presence at the charging stations. I'm not too good at seeing this type of paradigm-changing thing.

What was in my mind about charging stations being profit centers, is once there's enough critical mass of EV drivers stuck with the need to use the charging stations, the need to provide them for free or at subsidized rates will be gone, and the next phase of the bait-and-switch will commence. Whoever is responsible for the charging station will want the drivers to pay for the electricity and the facility costs, plus whatever profit they can achieve based on supply and demand. This could very well make the per-mile fuel cost as high as or even greater than an ICE vehicle. A later phase of the same thing is happening now with residential solar voltaic systems, with California in the forefront and a lot of other states following. The sweetheart net metering tariffs that subsided the homeowners are changing to remove the ongoing subsidies, throwing a lot of the financial breakeven expectations out the window.
I wasn't thinking of the convenience store angle, which might be big since drivers charging their EV have to kill a bunch of time. This need to kill time might lead to an even bigger retail and restaurant presence at the charging stations. I'm not too good at seeing this type of paradigm-changing thing.

What was in my mind about charging stations being profit centers, is once there's enough critical mass of EV drivers stuck with the need to use the charging stations, the need to provide them for free or at subsidized rates will be gone, and the next phase of the bait-and-switch will commence. Whoever is responsible for the charging station will want the drivers to pay for the electricity and the facility costs, plus whatever profit they can achieve based on supply and demand. This could very well make the per-mile fuel cost as high as or even greater than an ICE vehicle. A later phase of the same thing is happening now with residential solar voltaic systems, with California in the forefront and a lot of other states following. The sweetheart net metering tariffs that subsided the homeowners are changing to remove the ongoing subsidies, throwing a lot of the financial breakeven expectations out the window.
Whatever the outcome, let's hope the Feds don't get the idea to "improve" it by taking it over or regulating it into the ground.
Not only is the grid not ready.

Americas lowest on the economic scale, a significant portion, will feel the most pain of this way to early transition, you know the people the far left continually shout out they are the champions for, all the while they are letting in illegals that are competing for their jobs. Or the tradesmen who cannot park their trucks in a garage every night or even on the grounds of their apartment complexes because of HOA rules against said commercial vehicles. And those Americans that that can only really afford used cars, not very expensive new electric cars, and who park out on public streets outside their apartment complexes away from any overnight charging.
What I find more upsetting is the unethical sourcing and mining of lithium. Not trying to be the next Greta here but when you involve child
labor, you’re on the wrong path

Where the heck is hydrogen fuel cell technology when you need it most
Oh now the heavier EVs will wear out roads and bridges quicker and make for worse wrecks

Not the AM radio lol

How many have of you noticed the number of Toyota Prius drivers driving recklessly on the roads these days?
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Toyota IS going in the right direction - they deserve our respect - their focus is not electric but Hydrogen fuel cells + ICE + Hybrids

Going full electric is being fueled by oligarchs that don't give a rat's ass about how they source the lithium.

Any person that says that electric is the way should read.

That article originated with the left wing business insider propaganda organization.
The one thing that no one it talking about is.. will there be a battery for you vehicle years down the road? Even with hybrid vehicles, if the batter goes out, in an all EV or hybrid, you cannot use the vehicle. The rest of the vehicle maybe in excellent shape but that one part will most likely cost you to get a new vehicle. Planned obsolescence.

Maybe in the future, all the automakers will agree on a universal battery shape that could make replacements more available down the road.

I think there are some important things he is missing in this video he did here.

Mostly charging. Like I have mentioned before. drive around a city at night, and look where most Work trucks, not city slicker's trucks, are parked. They are parked out overnight on public streets without any access to electricity that would be available to charge them.
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