bidens incredible transition to electric cars

Texas is trying to follow suite, we got some backwards solar rules after Abbot decided that renewable energy was at fault for the 2021 Freeze Problems (Despite the vast majority of the grid being NG and failing)

I'm not in favor of solar unless it pays for itself. I have solar in rainy Oregon only because there were 3 subsidies. With the compelled help of poor Oregon taxpayers, poor utility customers, and poor federal taxpayers, I could afford to install solar I don't need on my big house.

Unreliable electricity isn't cheap unless it can replace reliable electricity. So long as it's an additional expense instead of a replacement, it's expensive.

We will know that unreliable electricity is cheaper when our utilities send flyers inviting us to pay less for electricity every month by adopting "green energy".
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If I'm being honest, I got solar just because its neat. Its wild being able to just use the power of the sun to power stuff. What a time to be alive!

But, it does also pay for itself, and it also paid for my big NG generator with the tax credit :rofl:
If I'm being honest, I got solar just because its neat. Its wild being able to just use the power of the sun to power stuff. What a time to be alive!

But, it does also pay for itself, and it also paid for my big NG generator with the tax credit :rofl:

I'm fascinated by solar and EV's, and technology in general. It's not there yet.

In some areas close to the equator where electricity is expensive (Hawaii), solar probably pays for itself. Their days are roughly the same length year round, and the weather is fairly even.

I make 1/5th the electricity in winter as summer. That means I would have to build 5x more solar to cover my winter demand as in summer. I'm going to break even on the cost to install solar in 10 years only because of the 3 subsidies (other people's money).

I've got a pretty good high-level grasp of the Texas grid failure. The major failure point of most emergencies is artificially shielding individuals from their choice to act adversely in an emergency. If energy is in high demand and there's little of it, individuals should be exposed to the real price. Instead of people consuming it as rapidly as possible to hoard it because the price doesn't change, they should be conserving it because the price is high.

As a tangent, electricity supply has to match demand nearly perfectly every millisecond. Produce more than demanded, and you've got to waste it into the ground or risk frying stuff and causing fires. Produce less, and you strain the grid with a brown-out. Electricity is only valuable when it's needed. The reason why a lightning bolt isn't valuable is because it's not delivered where it's needed, in the exact amount needed. How do you grab the energy in a lightning bolt and distribute it as needed is the engineering problem of all unreliable energy sources. Just because a lightning bolt is free energy doesn't mean you want it.
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Rooftop solar has nothing to do with EVs.
Disagree. They're both political footballs, with the government using tax policy and subsidies to manipulate behavior based on an artificial cost/benefit structure. What the government giveth, the government will take away when enough behavior is changed, or when a more important behavior modification program is needed to save the planet.

I would be a great candidate for an EV as an extra vehicle, other than I already have too many vehicles, and I wouldn't want a big lithium-cobalt battery in my attached garage.
I intended to say they inherently have nothing to do with each other. From a political standpoint, it's yet another device to steal the attention of sheep.

I'm enthusiastic for EVs and solar, which is why they should not be subsidized. When a competitor is ready to compete, they don't need rules that give them an advantage. Affirmative Action for technology doesn't solidify the credibility of the candidate, but takes away.
Pretty trippy

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When "they" find out, you'll be jailed and flogged with the J6th "bad-guys, grandmas and grandpas".
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Electric vehicle owners continue to report far more problems with their vehicles than owners of conventional cars or hybrids, according to Consumer Reports’ newly released annual car reliability survey.

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