We have some that live in the woods behind the house. At night they'll come and sit in a big old tree in my yard. Not sure what kind of owl but now and then I'll be out there in the dark doing something and one will make the most blood-curdling call you've ever heard. Sounds like a woman shrieking at the top of her lungs. I mean LOUD. Scares the living crap out of me every damn time. lol
So kinda be prepared if you give it a go. You definitely won't be if it happens. But maybe after sprinting 100 yards down that trail you'll remember that I mentioned this and can slow down a little. ; )
SImilar. I believe that it's a Barred Owl which would be common here.
I can't find a good example of exactly it but you can get a sense of it at about 8 seconds in here. Usually singular and isolated, no hoots around it as this recording. And LOUD! lol
The “Uphill” clip is starting late because I’m using my spiffy new BI system (instead of downloading direct from the camera) and I can’t figure out how to move the “trigger” point earlier. I want the cameras recording continuously at full res, so I don’t think I want “continuous + trigger”.
How do I tell BI to mark the “trigger” point X seconds prior to the detected trigger, while recording in Continuous mode?
Edit: I know I can trigger Camera A when Camera B triggers, and I need to set that up, but I’d also want to pre-trigger A.
When I do this, all the footage outside of the "alert" region is upsampled sub-stream, which looks terrible. I want to record full-res, 24/7, but also be able to quickly find (and download) alert videos.
Then shut down the sub stream on those two cameras and run them "normally". I shouldn't be too much of a hit on the CPU. That is also one of the problems with group triggers, the untriggered camera gets it pre trigger when the camera that initiates the group trigger gets triggered. (Man that's a mouthful of triggers)
Here's another fun clip of a coyote eating a very crunchy gopher corpse. I caught the gopher in a Victor Black Box trap and then just threw it onto the trail. It fermented for a full day before the coyote came to snack on it: