Bird Catches Bird


Getting comfortable
Oct 25, 2016
I was in my garage and heard two loud bangs against the door. After investigating, I saw that my driveway camera recorded the attached bird chase. The chased bird flies by at the :04 secs mark and the predator bird flies by at the :06 secs mark.

Apparently, the bird being chased slammed into the glass panel of my garage door (I saw feathers on one of the glass panes). I suspect it thought that was an opening it could escape from. It appears that the chased bird knocked itself out or broke something when it hit the garage door ... Ouch! That allowed the predator bird to get its kill and fly off for a tasty meal.

The predator bird is unfamiliar to me. Can anyone identify it?


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Cooper's Hawks do that around my place all the time. So much that I'm pretty sure they know exactly what they're doing driving their prey into my south-facing windows...
Agree. Classic blue-gray color and has that distinct horizontal "zebra" striping and white terminal band on the tail feathers.
Here in the UK I had what I think was a Sparrowhawk rip a pigeon apart, no footage as this was before my cams. Recently I had a crow go after a sick pigeon eventually killing it, I think I have footage of that somewhere, will post it if I find it.
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