BITools problem help lease


Young grasshopper
Jul 13, 2015
Reaction score
I am trying BITools for the first time. It is installed and I pointed it to my BI folder in my C drive. My actual BI cam files write to another data drive as my C drive is a SSC drive. BI itself works fine and is running on my Win 7 64 as a service.

My first problem is the weather overlay. It will not accept my station ID which is Kunming China.(IKUNMING2). BTW, this id works fine using it in my Home automation software. But BITools reports it as an invalid station id.

In watchdog, when I enable it it reports "Blue Iris is running(Name N/A). My BI does have a name (Townhouse). Anyway it is blue color and running anyway. When I enable the Web Server monitor and check Auto IP/Port, I get Error #0 and #13. If I turn off auto and go manual it does connect ok. Question here is BITools using my BI external address or internal one to function?

Finally if I enable the folder monitor it is not looking at my BI storage folders which are on my other hard drive. How do I point it to my correct BI folder?


[updated] Upon reboot the web server monitor starts again with error #0 and #13. I have to manually input my IP again.

i GOT THE sTATION id WORKING. I was using the PWS id instead of the City ID.

But reboot still causes the BITools server to error out.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
New York
Hi @bucko, sounds like you are using BI4, right? There's a few bugs with the current BIT version and BI4 that are being addressed with the upcoming version.

In the meantime, uncheck Auto IP/PORT in the Web Server watchdog, that looks for the IP address in the registry of BI3, so if you are using BI4 then it won't find it. Manually input the IP address and port for the BI server and that should work.