Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

I see a couple of issues. First on the recording tab I would recommend setting your video option to “Continuous" instead of "Continuous sub + Alerts”. Also, you’ve got your AI misconfigured. The way you have your custom models set it will only identify what is in the "license-plate” which is DayPlatYoue or NightPlate so you won’t get actual tag numbers. I recommend you filter out everything except for the tags themselves and use just the LPR model. Here’s an example of one of my LPR cameras:
I am using Sub stream + main, so it should switch to recording main when Alerted, are you saying ALPR requires full time main stream recording? Switching to those settings I still only get the ALPR in preview/thumbnail, not when playing back the full video.
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Switching to those settings I still only get the ALPR in preview/thumbnail, not when playing back the full video.
I guess I'm a bit confused on what you are expecting here. If you're talking about the markup, which is the red box around the plate, it only applies to the jpeg file.
Ya, I'm confused also... might just be a user training issue. I cannot view a full screen of anything with ALPR. I can only see thumbnails. I have set the Motion Trigger to record video and jpeg, I would imagine I would be able to either open a video or a jpeg and see the orange box with plate #, but I cannot find any jpegs that are tagged like that and no video, I can only see tiny low res thumbnails in the list or mouse over and see small low res animation showing the orange box.

In UI3 I see these jpgs in the list, but I double click one and the video playback starts... after some confusion I finally found a way to access the jpg in a non-intuitive process-
By right clicking the clip and selecting Properties it opens a large jpg showing the ALPR info.

Is that the best way to get to the info?
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No - it is not
Hmmm… yes it is. The functionality shown in Rob’s example is “Testing & Tuning”. To enable this double click on any clip so that it’s displayed in the main window. Then right click on the main window and select “Testing and Tuning” and then “Analyze with AI”. You can then use the scroll options at the bottom of the page to do a frame by frame analysis.

Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 10.48.28 PM.png
This line means that some program is listening on port 32168 on all network interfaces.

The lines that say ESTABLISHED means that something established a connection to your machine.
Since the lines start with (localhost) and the other end is that means that you are making a successful connection to your own machine on the localhost interface.

The ones that show TIME_WAIT are old connections that will be closed. Probably from a previous browser session.

THe ones with [::1} are IPv6 and can most likely be ignored.

IN summary the program is running and listening on the correct port and something on your computer has made a successful connection to it and it all appears to be working correctly.

If your browser is not displaying the Web UI, I would next troubleshoot the browser itself, maybe a security setting or something.
Antivirus, javascript disabled, something like that.

You could also try installing another browser like chrome or firefox and trying that.
Skispcs, Thank for your support but I have now got this sorted. As you confirmed BI was actually connected (great advice btw) to CPAI and the issue was actually being caused by the fact that the ALPR for plates option was not selected.


When I first read MikeLud1 settings advice when i read the comment "For the ALPR to work you need to checkoff ALPR for plates" I thought he meant that this setting needed to be turned off but after subsequent reading turning this setting on made everything come alive. I am still seeing the error message in the BI logs that sent me down the rabbit hole on start-up but everything is working despite this message.

Sorry for wasting everyone's time but thanks to everyone that helped me get this sorted.