Blue Iris and DeepStack ALPR

It will have to be tomorrow because I live in a neighborhood that has very little traffic, but on Saturdays, it picks up. I will follow up on this. Thanks.
I’m making some headway but something’s not quite right.

Some time after I create the ALPR folder under Alerts, it is deleted. To see if Windows Defender is deleting the ALPR folder I have turned it off temporarily.

However, under Alerts is a folder named LPRCam which is the short cam name for the physical camera. In this folder are jpegs of the overall scene which includes the vehicle, roadway, etc.

Any ideas?
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I’m making some headway but something’s not quite right.

Some time after I create the ALPR folder under Alerts, it is deleted.

However, under Alerts is a folder named LPRCam which is the short cam name for the physical camera. In this folder are jpegs of the overall scene which includes the vehicle, roadway, etc.

Any ideas?
Make sure the trigger setting for the camera that was created in step 3 are set as shown below
Also that in the record tab for both cameras has the alert folder broken out for each day using the override setting in the Record tab for the cameras (&CAM\%Y%m%d\&CAM.%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

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