Blue Iris Clips calendar not working correctly


Young grasshopper
Jan 4, 2022
Reaction score
A new problem with the time line calendar that is located with the "clips" in Blue iris.
the previous problem, that still exists, is that the calendar takes a few minutes to populate when before it was instant. once it populates its good for the day. Then the next day I have to start all over again.
Have not figured that out yet.....

The NEW problem I discovered is that when the calendar it up it still shows the red dot that signifies recordings on such and such days. So when I click on those older dots/days the recordings come up. I click on the recording and, as it should, "file not found" because it was deleted. In my file where all the recordings go, again, as they should, they are gone/deleted.

I have my limit size set to 500GB which gives me around two weeks of recordings. It deletes the older clips and my status bar will be back around 498 GB until it reaches 500 GB again.

So, does anyone have an idea why these problems exist. Everything else in BI works as it should. Even in the app the calendar there is populated correctly


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
If the file has been deleted f course it cant be found. The red marks are markers in the database, nothing more. Have you considered expanding the size limit beyond 500GB? Have you run "repair and regenerate" on the database? Recording on motion only almost insures critical things will be missed eventually.


Young grasshopper
Jan 4, 2022
Reaction score
If the file has been deleted f course it cant be found. The red marks are markers in the database, nothing more. Have you considered expanding the size limit beyond 500GB? Have you run "repair and regenerate" on the database? Recording on motion only almost insures critical things will be missed eventually.

Thank you for your reply.
I was just reading over your post again and going thru your points. I have ran the "repair and regenerate" several times to no avail. It does , however, populate the calendar instantly after I run it.
I have traced the problem to one camera. Through out the day, when recordings get abundant, I will view the recordings for each camera by selecting "selected camera only" icon then go to the calendar.
The calendar will pop up instantly with all but one camera. With the troubled camera it takes about 2-3 minutes. When I de-select "selected camera only" and go back into the calendar it will also take 2-3 minutes
to populate. As I may have mentioned before, the In the BI app everything works fine.

I disabled that camera in BI to see if that will put things back to the norm but, I will probably have to delete all recordings prior to when I disabled it to see if that works.

You mentioned expanding my limit size. What will that do? Is this related to your last point of recording on motion only.
I don't find where the option is to have continued recordings. Will you direct me to where that is?

Thank you for your time and input.
I appreciate it


Young grasshopper
Jan 4, 2022
Reaction score
In the camera setup of BI go to the record tab. There you can select a number of ways to record.

View attachment 131449
I am going to share this with you on what I learned. Previously I stated I disabled the camera I thought was causing our issue. I dropped the file limit size to something like 100 GB to delete all of the older recordings. A few days later I also deleted, manually, the file clips in the calendar. So now my disabled camera shows no recordings anywhere. I bumped up the limit size back to 500 GB and let it run for a few day. Yes, everything worked as it should. Here is the mystery to me. Before I disabled the camera everything worked as it should on the App for the phone. Just the computer software showed the flaw. But, as I said before, The disabled camera was working as it should everywhere else just the clips calendar is giving the problem. All the clips/recordings were being deleted on the drive, camera was recording as it should....
So, I'm leaning towards a setting issue with the desk top software but don't know why the other cameras work fine. Plus the disable camera worked fine until April 11. I don 't think it would be the camera since every thing works on the phone app.
I see why now you stated to bump up the limit size since you showed me where to continuous record. I am trying 1TB now.
anyway, any input is appreciated