Blue Iris exported footage skipped frames / major lag


Jan 15, 2023
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Hi all

Well I'm writing this post and I've tried to find a solution online prior to putting this post together and came across this link.

In the URL above they are suggesting to turn off the "2 pass for fast open" option in the export menu. I've tired that and it does not work.

So the problem I have is this.

I have 3x Foscam cameras, none of which are 4K and generally export footage when needed without enabling the re-encode option and the exports are fine, 30fps no problems whatsoever so very good file sizes.

I recently added an Annke C800 4K camera to my system a couple of days ago, set it up as both Main & Sub stream and it's working fine. Seems to do the job well so I thought I'd export footage to make sure it's OK and it isn't.

Upon playback of the exported MP4 it's skipping frames for approximately 3 or 4 seconds which simply can never be used as evidence as it'll miss something vital.

So when I'm playing the video and looking at the time/date stamp you can see the time skipping 3 or 4 seconds then the video updates to reflect that frame at that moment thus skipping a considerable amount of frames within the 3/4 second period.

The audio is continuous and can be heard but the video has major lag.. So I attempted to export and "re-encode" the footage and that works fine. However, the file size of the exported video without re-encoding was 103MB for 1minute and 48seconds and the file size after re-encoding was 811mb.

I'm just not sure what's wrong. I'm thinking it could have something to do with the C800 being forced to capture footage at 15 FPS and somehow when it's exporting it's messing up the frame rate? I literally have no idea so I thought the best bet is to post and pick your expert brains.

Any ideas peeps what's the underlying issue is ?




IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Most here run 15FPS and do not experience this issue.

It is probably hardware related or maybe software related.

We need more specifics.

What CPU do you have - i number and processor number
How much RAM?
What is CPU% during normal BI operations?
What BI version?
Screenshot of the BI Camera Status page that shows stuff like KEY, FPS, bitrate, and at the bottom shows MP/s.
Are your cameras going thru a router or are they isolated via dual NIC or VLAN?
What kind of drive is your video being stored on?


Jan 15, 2023
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Thanks for responding

Hardware as follows:

CPU: i9-10850k
MOBO: Asus Maximus Hero XII
RAM: 32GB DDR4 3200MHZ
BI Version: Release x64 (12/01/2023)
CPU% utilization is 2 to 4% (3x foscam 1x annke c800) - If I turn off sub-stream for the C800 then CPU is around 6-8%
Cameras connected to Netgear PoE switch
All camera footage stored on internal SATA3 WD Purple Surveillance drive 2TB

It could be something to do with the fact the video is 15 FPS. I don't undrestand it

Snippet of that section you requested attached.

Thank you for helping



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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It has nothing to do with 15FPS - most of us here use 15 FPS and exports without issue.

I see that you are using Hardware Acceleration. That has been shown to be problematic for some people.

Do not use the graphics card for hardware acceleration as that has been problematic with newer versions of BI for many people.

Around the time AI was introduced in BI, many here had their system become unstable with hardware acceleration on (even if not using DeepStack or CodeProject). Some have also been fine. I started to see that error when I was using hardware acceleration.

This hits everyone at a different point. Some had their system go wonky immediately, some it was after a specific update, and some still don't have a problem, yet the trend is showing running hardware acceleration will result in a problem at some point.

However, with substreams being introduced, the CPU% needed to offload video to a GPU is more than the CPU% savings seen by offloading to a GPU. Especially after about 12 cameras, the CPU goes up by using a GPU and hardware acceleration.

My CPU % went down by not offloading to a GPU.

It is best to just use the GPU now for AI and use substreams for BI.

That could be what is causing the hiccups with the higher MP camera.


Jan 15, 2023
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I tried what you suggested and disabled the hardware accelleration which was set to Intel, and unfortunately it doesn't not work. Upon exporting a small partial clip from the C800 Annke, you an can hear a constant audio stream, but when it comes to the footage, it skips like 4 seconds in blocks which at 15 fps would equate to approx. 60 frames one would presume if this is the framerate.

Very odd to honest.. Again, exports from other cameras are fine, just this Annke C800 4K.

My Blue Iris sometimes, freezes when exporting and will even close the interface and I have to open it again. If it freezes when trying to export I have to restart the service.

Anyway something is definitely up with this 4K camera - As mentioned previously my solution would be to re-encode the footage and that works, but takes a very long time and end result is a massive file.
