Hi. New Blue Iris user here. In setting up BI on a dedicated I5-6500 (w/ quicksync), and 16GB, I saw "The Hook Up's" video and he mentions that he also runs Plex Media Server on the same Windows computer. Is this advisable?
The system runs only BI, AItool, Deepstack-for-Windows plus the various obligatory background Windows processes. For now, it runs at about 8-12% CPU with two 4K cameras. I record SD streams continuously and 4K when triggered by Deepstack. I expect to max out at 8 cameras.
It would seem I have plenty of headroom to add PMS, but my priority is to keep the current and future cameras running smoothly. I'd appreciate any advice as to the wisdom of adding Plex. Thanks!
The system runs only BI, AItool, Deepstack-for-Windows plus the various obligatory background Windows processes. For now, it runs at about 8-12% CPU with two 4K cameras. I record SD streams continuously and 4K when triggered by Deepstack. I expect to max out at 8 cameras.
It would seem I have plenty of headroom to add PMS, but my priority is to keep the current and future cameras running smoothly. I'd appreciate any advice as to the wisdom of adding Plex. Thanks!