Blue Iris Rich Notifications not working over LAN -- Work fine on Cellular


Jun 24, 2018
Hi All,

I am trying to figure out how to fix Rich Notifications not sending image previews over LAN, but working fine over cellular. I still get the actual notification over LAN. I have been googling this for hours and there are some people that have had similar issues and state that they have to turn NAT, on their routers, but my router (USG from Unifi) does not seem to allow this easily.

To connect to LAN/WAN I just used the Blue Iris wizard setting

I am trying to figure out if anyone else has had a similar issue and how they were able to fix it. I'll be honest, I'm not the most technical so please bare with me if I need a bit more help.

Thank you!
Nick: Mine does the same thing. All alerts come with an image file as long as I'm on my cell phone data package. If I switch over to my LAN then alerts have no image. I've spent a ton of time trying to get this sorted with no luck so far.
I am having the exact same problem. This is on my iphone. When Im home i dont get a GIF or a picture, i just the notification. When i am off my LAN i get the gif as i should. I will reach out to the developer and see if he can look into this. He has been very helpful in the past!
It's the same with Android. I just leave my cell phone off of my local network when at home if I want to see images that are sent with an alert.
From the developer himself:

This is somewhat of a "known" issue as the WAN address is used to fetch the image or GIF, and most routers don't allow you to use your WAN address while using your LAN/WiFi. You can possibly turn off WiFi on the device, or we do plan an update over the summer for the iOS app which will use both WAN and LAN addresses for this purpose.


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look for a setting on your router called something like NAT Redirection, Hairpin NAT, or some such. I have such an option and alerts work great on my LAN. every router is different, so can't offer support on what exactly yours has or doesnt
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Oddly enough, I have a unifi USG, and i manually port forwarded port 81 instead of using UPNP for BI to my server and all of a sudden the gifs started to come through. I dont know if this is a fluke or the developer updated the iphone app or pc app.
I dont know if this is a fluke or the developer updated the iphone app or pc app.
So do you recall updating either the BI iPhone app or the PC's BI program since your post on May 7th?
I did not update either one on my own since they are on autoupdate. I looked into it and the iphone app hasnt been updated for a year but my server software is on the latest "stable" update which was sometime thing month.
Sorry to necro an old thread, but maybe this helps someone else.

I had a similar issue with no images coming through on LAN, but I'm almost always on my LAN. Blue Iris does not like having port translation done to it for external access. I had another web service running on port 80. So in my firewall I did a port translation, WanIP:8080 -> LanIP:80. Everything else worked fine except the push notifications. Changed the BI5 web UI port to 8080, the same as the public port. That fixed all my issues.
Oddly, this only just started happening. But I've also seen discussions here and on other forums that updates to BI seem to have broken notifications for lots of people. When I tried testing alerts from the application on my BI server, it crashed the GUI. Even though I have it check for and apply new updates daily, it seems an update got hung in applying, so when I manually kicked off the process, things started working.

Previously, not even notifications via cellular worked; after the update they do, so since my firewall/router uses hairpin routing, I input the same DDNS address for my LAN entry and I'm now getting notifications on the LAN again. Woo hoo.