Blue Iris UI3

@erkme73 Empty camera list is a rare error but I do see reports of it occasionally. It strongly suggests a bug in Blue Iris or a misconfiguration in Blue Iris.

Go to Blue Iris Settings > Users and check the permissions of whatever user is being used. It could be the Anonymous account, or it could be some other account, I can't tell from what you've showed. Possibly the settings got corrupted, like maybe it is limited to specific groups but no groups are selected? I don't know.

It is a long shot but if investigating the user permissions doesn't help then make sure you try deleting the site data for It can be done as described in my earlier post above or via the developer tools (do this from a tab that has loaded the address you want to wipe site data for):

One of the mods sent me over to this thread. I'm experiencing the same issues but haven't found a resolution. This is a direct copy/paste from the other thread (which I guess will be closed).

Welp, my Blue Iris went belly up with iOS. Not sure the culprit. Tried various Blue Iris versions but nothing seems to help. Ruled out Cloudflare by bypassing Cloudflare altogether and connecting directly to my Blue Iris server. iOS update maybe?

Error persists across iOS devices and device reboots. The main page loads but then all video freezes. Works fine on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge (Chromium) on desktop.
Does not work on Firefox, Chrome, or Edge on iOS - all iOS browsers get the same error.

Blue Iris version = (tried every version back to
Cloudflare =bypassed (direct connect to Blue Iris web server on TCP 81)
Stunnel = bypassed (direct connect to Blue Iris web server on TCP 81)
OS = Windows Server 2022
iOS = 16.4


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    external fail.PNG
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    internal fail.PNG
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One of the mods sent me over to this thread. I'm experiencing the same issues but haven't found a resolution. This is a direct copy/paste from the other thread (which I guess will be closed).

Welp, my Blue Iris went belly up with iOS. Not sure the culprit. Tried various Blue Iris versions but nothing seems to help. Ruled out Cloudflare by bypassing Cloudflare altogether and connecting directly to my Blue Iris server. iOS update maybe?

Error persists across iOS devices and device reboots. The main page loads but then all video freezes. Works fine on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge (Chromium) on desktop.
Does not work on Firefox, Chrome, or Edge on iOS - all iOS browsers get the same error.

Blue Iris version = (tried every version back to
Cloudflare =bypassed (direct connect to Blue Iris web server on TCP 81)
Stunnel = bypassed (direct connect to Blue Iris web server on TCP 81)
OS = Windows Server 2022
iOS = 16.4
Did you try @bp2008 's recommendation here and in the following responses?
Did you try @bp2008 's recommendation here and in the following responses?
I'm not using direct-to-wire streaming. However I cannot find "Video Player" under the BI main menu. Can you screenshot where "UI settings" is located?

"Otherwise, go to UI3's main menu > UI Settings > Video Player, "
I'm not using direct-to-wire streaming. However I cannot find "Video Player" under the BI main menu. Can you screenshot where "UI settings" is located?

"Otherwise, go to UI3's main menu > UI Settings > Video Player, "

I misunderstood. I was looking for a setting on the Blue Iris server.
On iOS - go to the three vertical dots, select "UI Settings --> Video Player section select H.264 and change to javascript".

Just a heads up for the developers, the error in the screenshot above prevents accessing the three dots and UI settings. You have to keep tapping on the error enough times to get it to pause for a few seconds to get into the UI settings of the mobile client.
I misunderstood. I was looking for a setting on the Blue Iris server.
On iOS - go to the three vertical dots, select "UI Settings --> Video Player section select H.264 and change to javascript".

Just a heads up for the developers, the error in the screenshot above prevents accessing the three dots and UI settings. You have to keep tapping on the error enough times to get it to pause for a few seconds to get into the UI settings of the mobile client.
The BlueIris dev refuses to acknowledge the fact his code needs to be tweaked and is blaming apple for breaking the decoder on iOS 16.4.

I am running the dev beta iOS 16.5 and can confirm blueiris is still broken and the dev needs to fix his code. We’ve had 0 reports of a broken decoder from anyone else.
Just a heads up for the developers, the error in the screenshot above prevents accessing the three dots and UI settings. You have to keep tapping on the error enough times to get it to pause for a few seconds to get into the UI settings of the mobile client.

That is a good point. I've fixed the toast message layout for the next UI3 update so it doesn't overlap the top bar. I'm working on improving the video player error messages so they offer some guidance on how to work around such errors without requiring the user to seek help via forums/email.
The BlueIris dev refuses to acknowledge the fact his code needs to be tweaked and is blaming apple for breaking the decoder on iOS 16.4.

I am running the dev beta iOS 16.5 and can confirm blueiris is still broken and the dev needs to fix his code. We’ve had 0 reports of a broken decoder from anyone else.

It's a delicate balance. I'm not a developer but I work with them every day so I know their frustrations... and they get more frustrated when my team finds vulnerabilities in their code. :p One thing may break when iOS gets updated, then another when Android gets updated, and trying to get "all systems to play nice" is a huge pain in the a$$.
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I know very little about the issue on iOS since I don't own any modern Apple devices. My assumption is they (Apple) changed their Media Source Extensions (MSE) implementation such that it no longer accepts mp4 fragments that do not begin with a keyframe. Such a change would go largely unnoticed because the overwhelming majority of MSE usage is for VOD where all the video is already prepackaged in chunks that always begin with a keyframe. Low latency live streaming (such as what Blue Iris's web server does in ALL video streaming cases, even playing recordings) cannot function with such a requirement. The efficiency, the video delay, and the responsiveness would suffer enormously.
I'm on BI and iOS 16.4.1 with iPhone 14 Pro Max and have no issues.

Did anyone figure out what is causing this?
I'm on BI and iOS 16.4.1 with iPhone 14 Pro Max and have no issues.

Are you sure. I thought mine was fine too but I noticed when I clicked on a camera the image was static i.e. it wasn't playing the video it was just showing a picture (time never advanced).

I'm on
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I see the same (static images) with BI and IOS 16.4.1. Was fine on the same/earlier version of BI before updating from IOS 16.3.1. I don't get the errors as above.
Are you sure. I thought mine was fine too but I noticed when I clicked on a camera the image was static i.e. it wasn't playing the video it was just showing a picture (time never advanced).

I'm on

Damn, you are right. As soon as I clicked on a camera I knew had motion it crashed with the errors. Bummer. Guess I am back to the app.
Thanks Brian. I've forwarded the link to your post. I'll follow up with you either way here.

So apparently he added his PC's LAN IP address to the allowed whitelist on an older PC that was recently upgraded to new hardware. BI must cache the MAC addresses of the IP's in the whitelist. So the IP no longer matched the MAC of the new PC. He deleted it, and it started working again. Thanks for the help.
IOS 16.4 the same "Key Frame Required" Error decoding video frames...... (this was not happening before IOS updateed)

Changed the UI settings video player to JAVASCRIPT and the error has been resolved.

Thank YOU