Blue Iris Updates (64 bit)

Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

One thing they changed in recent versions was if the KEY is below 0.4 then it gives the exclamation mark.

Since yours are clones, that wouldn't necessarily be the same thing (one would think unless it is just marking one of them), but it might be worth a check that the cameras are above a KEY of 0.4 as a starter.
One thing they changed in recent versions was if the KEY is below 0.4 then it gives the exclamation mark.

Since yours are clones, that wouldn't necessarily be the same thing (one would think unless it is just marking one of them), but it might be worth a check that the cameras are above a KEY of 0.4 as a starter.

All of my clones were marked with the warning triangle, all my cams have the key set to 1.00 but have to be honest I didn't check that, will check in the evening after work.
And if those are correct, then look for a mismatch in the camera gui - maybe mainstream and substream are different codec or FPS or smart codec on. Again it doesn't explain why only the clone gets the exclamation mark, but at least rule out that it isn't something the BI is now starting to issue warnings for that they didn't in the past.

I had an issue and was getting that and sent in a ticket and was told that as long as the video and recording and what not is fine, you can ignore the exclamation, but it was added to alert people of a potential issue that they should investigate before dismissing.
Will check in the evening but as I said all the clones stopped triggering on BI motion events, I assume that the fact they were highlighted on Red meant that there was an issue and therefore it was ignoring those cams until whatever the issue is is resolved?
I just updated to and all my clones show red on the status page but they are triggering and show the same frame and key rates as the master cameras. Emailing support since I can't find anything in the notes/help file.

Edit - Everything appeared to be working, cameras seemed to be triggered, but they were not. Emailed support and already got a response saying they're looking into it.
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I just updated to and all my clones show red on the status page but they are triggering and show the same frame and key rates as the master cameras. Emailing support since I can't find anything in the notes/help file.

I just checked mine and like yours the fps and key frame are the same as the master cams except none of mine trigger when using BI motion detection. Also tried a find/inspect.

The other thing I’ve also noticed is that the with groups, my groups have swapped, so before I had All Cameras and All but after the update this has reversed in the display order. So if I select All Cameras then exit BI and go back in the it seems to display All rather than the last group that was selected. Also when editing groups, if I’m editing All Cameras and change the layout during the edit it flicks back to All whenever I make any change to All Cameras?

Pretty strange, going to do some more testing before I report it.
Since the upgrade to, after a little while of running the software, the cameras appear to be "locked up" and the Windows service won't restart. The process stays hung with "Access Denied" when I try to kill it. The only way I am able to fix the problem is by rebooting the PC. I downgraded the software for now.
Anybody else notice that with this latest updates, all my clone cams now have a yellow exclamation mark against them and they are no longer triggering on BI motion.

This is on my separate test system, had a good look around and the clones are all highlighted in Red within the Camera status page and also appear with a red border within the mobile app. Double-clicking the clone and I can see that it is showing the sub and switching to the main stream fine but BI seems to think there is no stream according to the Ref?

Couldn't really establish what the exact problem was as I ran out of time and had to get back to work :)
That explains it. I'm just starting to use clone cameras for motion, and I noticed one stopped alerts yesterday. i figured it was messing something else up, again. I'll downgrade a couple of versions and see.
I dropped back to .12 and everything is working again. Haven't gotten any follow-up email from support yet on the clone problem. I hope you are all emailing support with this.
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Same here. I dropped back to .2 to have the setup that I like and will wait until a feature that I really want to have to upgrade. Nice to have choices, eh? :)
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Thanks, I'll give it a shot after dinner.
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