Hi I just recently added another camera. I notice like a split line if you wanna call it on the playback/recording bar at the bottom. Does anyone know what does this represent/mean ?
"Introduction" => "User Interface" => "Timeline view and controls"
"......The timeline view shows a horizontal time-based view of both clips and alerts together.
“Tracks” are created based on camera colors. As a clip may contain many video start/
positions, a timeline rectangle represents the entire time covered by one clip, but this does
not indicate continuous recording over the period represented. However, triggered alerts
are represented by a lightning bolt icon above the tracks and an orange band beneath the
tracks to represent the time during which the camera was triggered. If you are recording
only when triggered, these orange bands therefore will represent times during which video
was actually captured...."
More on Page 109, "Clip Playback and the Viewer Window" => "Timeline Playback"
Hi I just recently added another camera. I notice like a split line if you wanna call it on the playback/recording bar at the bottom. Does anyone know what does this represent/mean ?
You'll really notice what it means if you change the color for one of the cameras in the General tab of the camera settings. I have 5 cameras all with a different color set.
I just realized also the color was a bit off a blueshade somehow for the new cam I added once I matched all the color now it is a solid bar no lines. But good to know thank you