Yesterday, the channel pointed towards the street got over 2100 face captures. Some were duplicates of the same person but storage is cheap and having more than one pic of someone may be helpful one day. Here are some examples from different distances.
On the sidewalk at about 6m distance:
Middle of the street. About 11m distance:
Max distance at about 15m distance:
So despite obvious distortion I'm happy with the results. 2100+ face captures a day is LOT but this is the sole purpose of this camera.
The door side does well but I'm not going to publish photos of friends, family nor police (cop just left with video of three kids who stole an electric scooter last night) so you'll have to take my word for it.
I'll do my full installation post later today or tomorrow. This was a bit more difficult than I planned (isn't it always) but I'm happy with the face capture results.
8192 kbps
5 fps
5 i-frame
Video is choppy but in no way affects what I'm after: face captures.
This is also demonstrative of what I'd like to do for my next project. Two pinhole cams with screw head lenses mounted in the column in the pics. One facing up the street and one facing down. Again, face detection purposes. That will get me a huge amount of face captures and will be overkill. But better to be prepared than scrambling after the fact.
On the sidewalk at about 6m distance:
Middle of the street. About 11m distance:
Max distance at about 15m distance:
So despite obvious distortion I'm happy with the results. 2100+ face captures a day is LOT but this is the sole purpose of this camera.
The door side does well but I'm not going to publish photos of friends, family nor police (cop just left with video of three kids who stole an electric scooter last night) so you'll have to take my word for it.
I'll do my full installation post later today or tomorrow. This was a bit more difficult than I planned (isn't it always) but I'm happy with the face capture results.
8192 kbps
5 fps
5 i-frame
Video is choppy but in no way affects what I'm after: face captures.
This is also demonstrative of what I'd like to do for my next project. Two pinhole cams with screw head lenses mounted in the column in the pics. One facing up the street and one facing down. Again, face detection purposes. That will get me a huge amount of face captures and will be overkill. But better to be prepared than scrambling after the fact.