Bricked DS-2CD2035 platform G0-chine language-need help


Getting the hang of it
May 18, 2016
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Today i bricked my camera with 5.3.6 firmware multilanguage. It was china version (also CH in serial number) but with hacked software to multilanguage. Today i try update it and connect camera by USB TTL na connect console. Then power on camera and hit CTRL+U , then u done command "upf" and update firmware by TFTP Hikvision to version IPC_G0_CN_STD_5.5.53_180716. It was my mistake because i want update to other file from some user from forum to version 5.4.41 with multilanguage. But I have confused files. My fault... Now camera boot and works gui but it has only china language. Now i can not downgrade to other firmware. I try write modem file 5.4.41 from other user and also EU version 5.5.53 and other. Still can not. When try by CTRL+U and then again "upf" and command "update" i still get error.
HKVS # update
ETH0: PHY(phyaddr=3, mii) link UP: DUPLEX=FULL : SPEED=100M
MAC:   28-57-BE-D4-30-93
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Download Filename 'digicap.dav'.
Download to address: 0x82000000
Downloading: #  [ Connected ]
################################        [ 1.000 MB]
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################################        [15.000 MB]
################################        [16.000 MB]
################################        [17.000 MB]
################################        [18.000 MB]
################################        [19.000 MB]
Bytes transferred = 20482154 (138886a hex)
error: digicap package error!!!
when also mofied bootarg by this:
setenv bootargs console=ttyAMA0,115200 init=/bin/sh rootfs=0x82000000 rootfstype=initrd debug single loglevel=9
after that i can not mount and other command:
/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc
/bin/mount -t sysfs none /sys
/bin/mount -t ramfs ramfs /home


ifconfig eth0 up

mount -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/nfs00

cd /mnt/nfs00
Mount command not working. I get info NOT SUPPORTED. Available only this command:
# help
Support Commands:
taskShow                        printPart                       prtHardInfo        
getPreviewStatus                setIp                           setV6ip            
setGateway                      dspStatus                       outputClose        
outputOpen                      getDebug                        setDebug            
debugLog                        getIrstate                      getMtu              
camCmd                          getCamVer                       getLux              
getMcuInfo                      getMotion                       getRawdata          
setIrcmd                        setRectFrame                    updateCamera        
setLaserMode                    getLaserMode                    setIrMode          
getIrMode                       setBaiguangMode                 getBaiguangMode    
setYTLock                       InquireFanSwitch                StartLaser          
CloseLaser                      LaserMotReset                   EnlargeCur          
ReduceCur                       SetCur                          LaserMotDirect      
LaserTeleOffset                 LaserWideOffset                 InqSwitch          
InqCurrent                      InqCurMotDirect                 getMcuStateInfo    
setFastFocus                    getTrackStatus                  getSelfcheckResult  
setLdcMode                      getLdcMode                      appCmd              
ezoomlens_start_t2_test         prtLensCurve                    getLensCurve        
getIp                           gdbcfg                          {Test1}            
{Test2}                         {Test3}                         {Test4}            
{TestN}                         {TestY}                         setAgingMode        
getAgingMode                    setAgingTime                    getAgingTime        
setLensZoomPos                  getLensZoomPos                  showKey            
showServer                      showUpnp                        showStatus          
showDefence                     setLBS                          setAlarm            
cloudService                    t1                              sandbox            
ifconfig                        netstat                         ping                
ping6                           top                             iostat              
mpstat                          ps                              reset              
dmesg                           wl                              iwpriv              
iperf                           setWifiEnable                   getWifiInfo        
exit                            getDateInfo                     diagnose            
diag                            help                            debug              

Is any chance to modified digicap.dav or any other solution to convert camera to multilanguage version with some newer firmware than my start firmware 5.3.6

I also try use hikpack_2.5 to extract firmware but it not working with firmware series 5.5.x
I read description other user from this thread before start my modification...
Long-shot help request - Hikvision DS-2CD3335D - G0 series IPC.

please all use please help me...