Looks great, I'm considering the same thing. Would you be able to see a package if was left up against the door?
Thanks. No, you would not be able to see packages left up against the door with this particular doorbell (EmpireTech VTO2311R-WP). However, based on forum wisdom, I have the front door/porch covered from the left (facing the doorbell) with another camera. Also, again based on forum advice, I plan to add a mini-wedge to the back of the post for both the purpose you describe and for a face capture when someone turns around to leave the porch. I apologize for not remembering the author of the thread, but I have seen on the forum a very bright idea where indoor cameras were mounted in the sidelights and one low mounted camera actually captured faces really well looking up.
I did a
quick and dirty test: I extended a tape measure a known distance perpendicular to the doorbell trim - 60 inches. Starting at the deck level I slowly raised the tape up until the tip of the tape appeared on the VTH feed (I will leave out the interaction with my helper sarcastically asking, "Oh, the doorbell again??"). I then measured the distance from the camera center in the doorbell down to that height, which was 31 inches.
A quick visit to one of the many online right angle calculators (credit:
Right Triangle Calculator | Find a, b, c, and Angle):
So you can readily see that an additional or different kind of camera would be needed to see packages resting against the door. Keep in mind that my doorbell is mounted plumb and flat against the wall - I've seen other doorbells mounted with wedges, for example.
Like most of us, I have a continuum of package delivery efforts, from the Frisbee/bean bag toss to neatly hiding the packages from street/sidewalk view behind those pillars. So I think the overlapping cameras doctrine is prudent.
So far I really like this VTO doorbell and VTH monitor setup. (Thanks, Andy

Hoping this response is useful.