Someone Threw Used Coffee Cups on This Couple's Front Yard for 3 Years — They Finally Got an Apology
When the Pattons of Lake View, New York finally identified the culprit, they realized they knew the serial litterer.
Someone Threw Used Coffee Cups on This Couple's Front Yard for 3 Years — They Finally Got an Apology
When the Pattons of Lake View, New York finally identified the culprit, they realized they knew the serial
Great stuff, thanks for linking!![]()
Someone Threw Used Coffee Cups on This Couple's Front Yard for 3 Years — They Finally Got an Apology
When the Pattons of Lake View, New York finally identified the culprit, they realized they knew the serial
Great stuff, thanks for linking!
And how timely: I just went to the PD this morning to ask them WTF is up with my report and why hasn't anyone gone to visit this prick yet? They said "Well, they'll get to it, it's just 'low' priority' and we only have a few detectives for this sort of thing...but they'll reach out to you." Then a female cop at the window butted in and took over the conversation, and asked me if I'd called the "non-emergency" number yet (I said no), and she said "why" and I said because my investigator and lawyer told me to go straight to the cops. And she said "well they don't know how we work down here" and I said well allllllrightey then, I'll try your non-emergency number. Then she handed me the same slip of paper (to apply for an R.O.) that they handed me two months ago when I filed the original report, and she asked me if I'd "applied for a restraining order" through the court yet. And I said no, because the lawyer I'd talked to said the "preponderance of evidence" isn't there and a judge would never issue one based on just this nuisance and the videos. And to this she replied "Well he doesn't know, and they're giving out restraining orders for the tiniest of things now." So I called the court office this morning and they said "yeah, bring the papers tomorrow and we'll submit them to the judge." So, let's see.
Meanwhile, here's the latest evidence the prick provided from two days ago (Tuesday morning)...
My google-fu is failing me today. PA systems are priced quite high online, I don't need a live concert system, just a couple basic bullhorns and an amp/transmitter, or whatever the proper lingo is.
I want to be able to yell at assholes from inside the house while monitoring my console.
Any ideas? My search-fu here on IPCT is also sucking, can't pull up anything.
Here you go, Just add a 12 volt power supply and you will be ready to scare all the assholes!Also related: you'll recall I started this thread to ask about a PA so that I could scream at people. I went a different route, I just bought two of these bad-ass monster sirens and a 12V power supply Dual Tone Exterior Siren - ELK Products
Now, if the driveway alarms wake me up, and I go to the console and see someone f*cking with my sh*t, I can flip the switch and these things will wake up the whole neighborhood. Much better than screaming bad words at someone. I can't imagine any perps being able to concentrate with these raging sirens going in front of the house.
Great stuff, thanks for linking!
And how timely: I just went to the PD this morning to ask them WTF is up with my report and why hasn't anyone gone to visit this prick yet? They said "Well, they'll get to it, it's just 'low' priority' and we only have a few detectives for this sort of thing...but they'll reach out to you." Then a female cop at the window butted in and took over the conversation, and asked me if I'd called the "non-emergency" number yet (I said no), and she said "why" and I said because my investigator and lawyer told me to go straight to the cops. And she said "well they don't know how we work down here" and I said well allllllrightey then, I'll try your non-emergency number. Then she handed me the same slip of paper (to apply for an R.O.) that they handed me two months ago when I filed the original report, and she asked me if I'd "applied for a restraining order" through the court yet. And I said no, because the lawyer I'd talked to said the "preponderance of evidence" isn't there and a judge would never issue one based on just this nuisance and the videos. And to this she replied "Well he doesn't know, and they're giving out restraining orders for the tiniest of things now." So I called the court office this morning and they said "yeah, bring the papers tomorrow and we'll submit them to the judge." So, let's see.
Meanwhile, here's the latest evidence the prick provided from two days ago (Tuesday morning)...
Somehow I think that the 100 watt rating is a little overstated. I can believe 10 watts, but 100 watts at that price is pretty much impossible. They don't list the current draw but at 12 volts it takes about 10 amps to produce 100 watts. Of course if you use peak to peak and then convert that to "peak music power" it might get there, but it's a smoke and mirrors 100 watts.
I still fail to see how more power out than is provided can be achieved. Unless, of course, you have perpetual motion machines involved. If a device can produce 100 watts of output, be it audio, RF or heat, it needs at least that much at the input plus more to account for efficiency factors. Simple physics. There is no magic with audio.
You didn't read his post...Ohm's law doesn't apply to "audio" power..."Audio" power operates according to a different set of rules, governed by magic....It is still Ohm's Law. But, 100 W dissipation as measured through the system
might produce audio weaker than a 50 W system. One might compare
Watts to dBm but not, Watts to dB.
Say one has a class A amp that is somewhere about %25 efficient while a class AB might be %45.
Or %75 heat to %55 ish for the latter class AB,
Unless someone gets dBm, one never knows watts up.
Yeah, it's always a balancing act between what should be regulated vs. allowing charlatans to market the way they do. This is true of audio gear and, I'm sure you'll be surprised by this one....cameras...Power is power, plain and simple. Redefining it as audio watts does not change physics. There is a lack of understanding of basic physics on your end from what I see. You can't get more power, true power IxE, from a device than it consumes. It is that simple. If I define an audio watt as 100 milliwatts of real power, IxE, I guess that makes your statement true but does not actually relate to real power levels.