Built new PC, now won't detect people


Mar 12, 2023
Hey guys, so I built a dedicated PC to use as a BI and Plex Server and with the upgrade I actually installed the latest version of BI instead of what was previosuly installed. Today I went into my views as I got time to go and tinker with settings here and there and noticed that while it's detecting cars and flagging them, all of my person detections are being dismissed. Even high certainty ones that are 77% sure and the subject is walking slow enough. Did anything recently change in recent versions? Here's an example:

If you saved a .reg file of the previous settings under the previous BI version, you might wanna go back to that, and upgrade maybe 6 months newer that what you had,,,,and see if it still works....recent changes probably did some changes that could be causing that.
BI and Plex and AI on same box is alllooott of resources in one unit, which could delay or overwhelm the AI. May consider that, I have all (3) of them running also and split between (3) boxes... Just a thought
If you saved a .reg file of the previous settings under the previous BI version, you might wanna go back to that, and upgrade maybe 6 months newer that what you had,,,,and see if it still works....recent changes probably did some changes that could be causing that.

I actually restored from a previous version, that's why I'm so confused why the alerts are all funky since other than the restore I didn't make any changes after the installation. It identifies a car like a pro though! lol Cars are the only alerts I get for some reason, but not people.
Yeah, not sure what the change was. I still had my old drive from the old PC and saw that it was on v5.7.6.8 so I reverted back and it's flagging people again. I'll start updating through the iterations until it stops working again.