Burning & Exploding Car - Yes, really.

Almost looks like a firework around time 7:51 but could just be something exploding as well.
Air bag.
You notice how the firemen do not approach the front or back of the car while it's burning. The 5MPH impact bumpers on modern cars have shock absorbers that go to the frame. Those shocks commonly explode, propelling the bumpers off at high velocity, which breaks a lot of legs. So they really get all of that cooled down before approaching from the front or back.
My thoughts exactly. The owner probably is out of work, can't make the payments and needs to get rid of it. Maybe the value is less than he owes or who knows what. Just a quick two minute job and the insurance company can own it.

Here is another piece of info. for those watching the video.

You obviously notice the car is parked on the street. NO ONE parks on the street. It is legal, but the houses around all have off street parking so you never see cars parked on the street.

That was the first thing I found odd... why was someone parked on the street?

So I assume the guy parked it there with the plan to go out at 2:30 and take care of it.

Also you will notice in the video the 'suspect' does not appear to be carrying anything, or at least not anything large like a can of gas. Maybe he soaked the car earlier in the day. To bad I don't have any video of the actual action. Guess I will have to buy some more cameras ;)

Well done... Just curios to know what time did you make the 911 call?
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Well done... Just curios to know what time did you make the 911 call?

I made all the appropriate calls I could from the second I saw the car burning.
I'm not sure which fire station they came from, but Google maps says the closest one is 4 minutes away. Traffic would not have been much of an issue at 2am. You can't tell in the video but fire trucks came at it from two directions.

It is possible more than one fire station responded.

One is 4 minutes away and the other that may have responded is 6 minutes away.

It was quite impressive how quick it was put out once water was in touch with the flames.
WOW. Fucking asshole whoever did, hope karma kills the bitch.

My car was vandalized so I know the feeling. Definitely not as bad as this though not even close.

What camera was this recorded on ?
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What camera was this recorded on ?

Oh, good question. So many cameras out there in the world... I was going to play a guessing game and see who could come up with the correct camera, but since it is listed in my signature that is too easy.

The camera is a HIKVISION DS-2DE3304W-DE, not a camera I would purchase again.
The "plastic" hood release handle? You think it was still there? ;)

The plastic handle would certainly be gone, but there was probably some metal parts still there that could have been grabbed with pliers or SOMEthing. Use the jaws of life to grab the end of the cable and pull. :lmao::lmao:
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The plastic handle would certainly be gone, but there was probably some metal parts still there that could have been grabbed with pliers or SOMEthing. Use the jaws of life to grab the end of the cable and pull. :lmao::lmao:

As long as you wanted your hand branded....
With all the plastic these days, don't expect anything to work after it gets that hot.
I saw the first guy in the Hoodie walk toward the car the run back from the car down the street towards the apartments. Chances are it's his car and he lit it up to get rid of it. Check your camera footage and see if the owner of that car parked there and walked up that same street or driveway into the apartments. He may have been standing there watching the fire team put out the fire.
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Here are two VERY short clips, of a girl standing in a parking lot which is across the street. It shows her reaction to two of the explosions, she jumps back obviously.

The first video, the image quality is fine as it does not have a direct line of sight to the flames.

Then this camera angle, there is some funky stuff going on the bottom left and of course the flames is just totally blown out.

The police have no leads on this car fire.

There is discussion online about the incident and someone claims her son walked past the burning car as it was engulfed in flames. Since the video only shows two humans anywhere near the car, if true, her son is either the person who started the fire or the person you can see in the video who runs past on the opposite side of the street in the original video I posted.
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