buying IPC-HDW5442T-ZE-S3 and synology


Sep 20, 2024
My first post, be gentle for I am n00b.

I want a setup mostly for capturing prowlers at night. So human identification, jerks on push bikes - mostly looking into cars and smashing windows.

I have a 5-year-old Hikvision currently and a Synology surveillance station. I mostly need to manually check the video if anything happens. So I want way better automagic detection happening.

Zeroing in on IPC-HDW5442T-ZE-S3.

  • seems hard to get this in Australia. Is there a disadvantage to buying international/OS versions?
  • Are firmware updates an issue at all? The vendors seem to warn against using non-local cams..
  • this cam is not on the Synology support list. Has anybody used it with the Synology surveillance station? Does it seem okay?
  • So I have been using the synology, I have no idea on NVR’s. is there are clear advantage to NVR’s? or stick with synology for now?

thank you so much :)
There are several folks from AU on this forum that have purchased this cam from @EMPIRETECANDY with no issues.

As far as firmware updates, if you buy it from @EMPIRETECANDY it will be upgradeable using new releases supplied by him. But we always say only update if it is needed.

There are several folks on this forum that use Synology. Never heard anyone complain of this cam not working.

Many folks use Synology and many use an NVR. Many folks here use BlueIris, which is what I use. Each has its pros and cons.
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My first post, be gentle for I am n00b.

I want a setup mostly for capturing prowlers at night. So human identification, jerks on push bikes - mostly looking into cars and smashing windows.

I have a 5-year-old Hikvision currently and a Synology surveillance station. I mostly need to manually check the video if anything happens. So I want way better automagic detection happening.

Zeroing in on IPC-HDW5442T-ZE-S3.

  • seems hard to get this in Australia. Is there a disadvantage to buying international/OS versions?
  • Are firmware updates an issue at all? The vendors seem to warn against using non-local cams..
  • this cam is not on the Synology support list. Has anybody used it with the Synology surveillance station? Does it seem okay?
  • So I have been using the synology, I have no idea on NVR’s. is there are clear advantage to NVR’s? or stick with synology for now?

thank you so much :)
Just buy it here.
Can support NAS well, so can try to use with the NAS. Not really need to cost extra money to buy the nvr if working well.
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I recommend:

1.Select "Generic Dahua" when adding the camera to Synology. Do a complete setup (vs. quick).

2. Configure basics through Synology interface (channels, frame rates, etc.). Note that Synology "remembers" applied settings. If you change a parameter later through the Web UI (e.g. frame or data rate) then Synology won't be "aware" of that change. If you then make another change via Synology, it will re-apply it's remembered settings and you may lose your Web UI applied setting. Sometimes Synology won't cooperate on some parameters (data rate or frame rate on secondary channels) so I just override using Web UI later and have to remember to maintain manually.

If a parameter is supported ("mandated") in the Synology configuration, use Synology to apply the value for that parameter. If settings can be either Synology or "by camera", go with "by camera" and use Web UI.

3. Use the Web UI to set all of the other camera feature parameters.
Someone mentioned that some of the smart detection does not work in Synology: S3 animal detection

Also, latest Surveillance Station version does not support h265 so if you record in that you can't use Synology's motion detection (which shouldn't be an issue since doing motion through the camera is better anyway).
Someone mentioned that some of the smart detection does not work in Synology: S3 animal detection

Also, latest Surveillance Station version does not support h265 so if you record in that you can't use Synology's motion detection (which shouldn't be an issue since doing motion through the camera is better anyway).

By no means trying to be a Synology fan-boy ...

Animal detection is working great for me on several S3/S2 (ZE, Z4, and Z12) cameras.

I had been recording everything in H265 but now record everything in H264 due to simple DL & playback on Windows. I agree camera detection (IVS favored over SMD) is better. I tried the Synology motion detection years ago with Amcrest cameras and didn't appreciate CPU loading on the NAS.
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By no means trying to be a Synology fan-boy ...

Animal detection is working great for me on several S3/S2 (ZE, Z4, and Z12) cameras.

I had been recording everything in H265 but now record everything in H264 due to simple DL & playback on Windows. I agree camera detection (IVS favored over SMD) is better. I tried the Synology motion detection years ago with Amcrest cameras and didn't appreciate CPU loading on the NAS.

Thats good info. Did you add the S3 as generic Dahua or is there a profile for it, don't see the camera listed under compatible Synology cameras but maybe haven't updated the list yet. Thanks
All Generic Dahua.

I recently tested my Summer Lottery win (ZE/S3 - Thanks @EMPIRETECANDY!). Synology recognized it as the correct camera type but something was a little off or maybe just not to my liking (sorry - can't recall). I deleted the entry and added manually as generic.
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Someone mentioned that some of the smart detection does not work in Synology: S3 animal detection

Also, latest Surveillance Station version does not support h265 so if you record in that you can't use Synology's motion detection (which shouldn't be an issue since doing motion through the camera is better anyway).
That was me, the issue is animal detection only works with IVS and IVS only works with Synology if you give it admin access to the camera and use a Dahua profile. The problem with giving it admin access is mentioned by the TheOtherMike, Synology will overwrite your camera settings, and it will do this on its own at certain times like startup. For instance Synology doesn't have AAC audio in its codecs list so it will set your camera back to G711. If you don't give it admin access it shuts the camera down because it can't set any settings, very frustrating.

If you use a ONVIF profile for the camera it doesn't have any problem with lack of admin access and leaves the camera alone, however now it only supports standard ONVIF motion events and the Dahua do not send standard motion events for IVS rules...however SMD does send standard ONVIF events, at least it used to, I am having trouble now with the animal firmware not sending any ONVIF events for SMD, they probably broke it.

SMD does not have a checkbox for animals only IVS, why these are two different things makes no sense, but neither does most of the Dahua firmware, you just have to figure out the right incantations that change with every firmware release, and reset 3 times like some kind of magic spell.

Edit: SMD still works with ONVIF but I forgot another undocumented incantation to make it work right. If you enable SMD normal motion events must be enabled to work and ONVIF will get the normal events so you will trigger on trees and bugs etc., on this forum all the posts say SMD does not pay attention to the detection area so just clear the detection area and only SMD events will come through, this does not work, it does honor the detection area for SMD at least in the last two firmwares for the 5442. So how do you get it to only send SMD motion events? Well logically you jack the sensitive threshold to 100 and the sensitivity to 0, because SMD sensitivity is a different setting but not the detection area, IVS though has a different area, makes perfect sense right? I wonder if high and low means what I think they mean on SMD sensitivity, you would think high means highly sensitive but maybe low means low threshold? Who knows no documentation, will need to experiment more and write it in my spell book...
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Notice how Human and Vehicle are SMD, when I tried it before IVS events didnt have in metadata searchable for vehicle or person (or now animal). On top of that to get those IVS events you must give Synology admin access to the camera and it will overwrite your settings when it feels like it. SMD with Dahua profile in Synology was nice since it would say Human or vehicle and could search in it in timeline but it screwing with the camera settings was really annoying and messed up the audio along with it changing bitrates etc. Switch to Onvif profile with SMD with read only user and it won't mess with camera settings and gives you generic motion events with no metadata, just like IVS, and the motion events will work with other software like Scrypted unlike IVS.

If SMD had an animal check box and Synology could be told to leave the camera alone in Dahua profile it would be nearly perfect as the Synology metadata would have object types to search while still send onvif motion to Scrypted for HomeKit.
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