Calling another camera PTZ preset based on motion zone?


Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
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Is it possible to setup triggers to call another cam ptz preset according to which zone is triggered on one?

IE: I have 2 cameras at the driveway, one is a PTZ the non ptz camera have trigger based on zones a,b,c,d,e if motion is detected when object crosses zone d-e, then call on PTZ camera preset 1

in another sense mimicing motion tracking.


Getting the hang of it
Dec 13, 2017
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If I'm understanding the question correctly, the answer is yes. I use motion detection on a stationary camera to call presets on a PTZ camera. Go to the Trigger tab for the stationary camera and define motion criteria (e.g., object crosses from A > B) you want to use. On the Alerts tab, select the On Alert option and choose Add and select Do Command. You can then choose a preset and the camera to which the preset command should be sent to when motion is detected. I'm doing pseudo-motion tracking using this method with cloned cameras.
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Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
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I answered my own question but not able to get it to work with the action alert for some reason.

Solution I came up with is to clone the camera, for each of the clone, I can setup motion alerts per the area I'd like for the PTZ to move to. However, when I tried to test the action, it doesn't do anything. The http command below actually moves the camera if I enter it into a browser but when copied into BI and testing it, it doesn't do anything. :mad:



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Log into PTZ's webGUI.
Move cam to desired position.
Set a preset to that position, say Preset #1 and save it.
Then do what @Markles said in post #2.

Works for me.


Getting comfortable
Aug 15, 2019
Reaction score
If I'm understanding the question correctly, the answer is yes. I use motion detection on a stationary camera to call presets on a PTZ camera. Go to the Trigger tab for the stationary camera and define motion criteria (e.g., object crosses from A > B) you want to use. On the Alerts tab, select the On Alert option and choose Add and select Do Command. You can then choose a preset and the camera to which the preset command should be sent to when motion is detected. I'm doing pseudo-motion tracking using this method with cloned cameras.
Can you help me out a bit if possible? I'm trying to wrap my head around the use of cloned cams. Why don't you just use the original camera? I'm sure a lightbulb will go off when I hear why. Clones don't use up CPU power do they?

edit: I just tried the settings you mentioned and my PTZ didn't move, do I need to have any special setting on my PTZ -other than the preset positions saved, which I have.

edit 2: got it to work! I didn't realize that my PTZ was listed as an old name (which I chose first) and it's current name. Now have to see how I can remove those old names from some cams.... But it works! This opens up a fantastic increased use of my PTZs but I'm using my main PTZ feed until I understand better the use of clones -- off to search and read on them.

Another question: I have a PTZ pointed normally down the road leading to a CDS at the front of my home. I just set the stationary cam that looks towards the front of our house to trigger the PTZ to turn and look at the front of our house. If I have a stationary cam pointed at the CDS, can I have a 2nd trigger to move the PTZ to the CDS and if so, can both be triggered in sequence? Heck, I'm going to set it up now and walk out there....

Update: So I walked out our front door and the PTZ was triggered by the house cam (success!), I walked up the driveway into the CDS and the CDS cam triggered the PTZ (success #2), I quickly walked back to the front door and the house cam re-triggered the PTZ to the house front (success #3!). This is awesome and my wife thinks I'm crazy for doing all this at 2am in the rain but I love "upgrading" my BI system. This seems to put the auto-tracking to shame but I'll give it some time for evaluation. I do know that I'm going to rack up the miles on the gears in the PTZ. Thanks.
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