Known around here
I'm kind of against letting my animals run around outside willy nilly, too many douchebags who like to hurt animals, not to mention the danger of other animals.
If our cats weren't indoor only cats I'd get one of these:
It would read the chip the cats already have implanted.
Hi Lee, here are 3 articles I wish someone had pointed out to me a few months ago:
An article on pixel density:
And specific to Hikvision cameras, a couple of technical bulletins on their camera fields of view and pixel density: Bulletin/2014/IP Camera FOV List v2.0.pdf
ftp://hikfirmware:Hikvision123@ftp....P Camera Lens Pixel Density v2.0_20140124.pdf
But, without enough time to draw up a site plan or one to import; I went old school. Traced a property outline, blew it up to draft plan size and cut some FOV wedges to match the cameras I was interested in at their resolution (3mp set to 1920x1080 for a bit of extra width). Which worked a treat. I felt I needed a) higher resolution cameras than just analog tvl or standard big box kit; and b) a mix of cameras (not just all the same standard 2.8 or 4mm) due to a bit of topography, some medium and longer distances (compared to a city property), landscaping, curved driveway, ...
It's more complicated than that. More pixels without more light just means more noise (sensor size matters). There's some good info in this thread: very helpful topic. Do I presume that it is the megapixel value of the camera which determines how grainy the picture is?
Easy to say ... much harder to do without leaving a gaping hole in the wall cladding and honestly there is nowhere else to put it as frontage below cladding is almost entirely glass AND I still have the width issue ...2.8mm lenses are the worst choice for driveways.. move your camera, the key points are car doors.. the rest can be discarded.
I just installed a 4mm hik camera thinking it would do my entire front drive but finding it only covers about 50% of its width due to it being about 6m long and maybe 15m wide ... don't want to install a 2nd but would a 2mm lens capture more of that width , if so any idea how much?
2.8mm lenses are the worst choice for driveways.. move your camera, the key points are car doors.. the rest can be discarded.