Camera loads wireless internet


Oct 5, 2014
Shelby Twp, MI
I have 4 cameras. Two are Foscam F18910W's one is a F19804W and one is a Wansview NCL616W.

They appear to be loading down my home network. I notice if most when a computer is about 20 or so ft away. The problem only occurs when I connect to the camera with a browser or Blue Iris software. With the camera just wirelessly connected but not being accessed, there does not appear to be a problem.

The loading is severe when all four are being accessed. I only see a total of around 340 kB/sec being transferred from all the cameras when being accessed by the Blue Iris software. The bit rate for the 4 cameras go from about 20 kB/s to 80 kB/s each. The frames go from about .5 to 7 fps.

Are these cameras supposed to be on a separate network or something? Is it possible there is another problem I am overlooking?
Wireless is shared bandwidth, a camera streaming a 24/7 video stream is basically a WiFi jamming device, with 4x of them in play your going to get horrid performance.

Wire them and you will have no problems, other than the fact that there foscams.
No apologies about bashing foscam. They suck. The great thing about this forum is that unlike other forums that ban users for pointing out that foscams are subpar and that for the same cost and often less, you can get a much better camera, we dont ban anyone. In fact, other forums ban users for just suggesting hikvision over foscam or geeya crap, yes just suggesting it..what a shame..... Good point about notifying users though. We should make a sticky urging those that are still within the return period to send the foscams back for something better. Full disclosure TheUberOverLord is a moderator at the foscam forums and thats why he takes offense when we point out the deficineies in foscams.
Too bad is already taken or i would take it and redirect it here.
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With internet speeds increasing and the amount of video being sent over Wireless it isn't very wise to run any cameras, no matter the brand they are from on a wireless connection (But more so for MJPEG cameras over x264 cameras).. Its going to degrade the performance of all your other devices and probably your neighbors too. Look into power line networking as an alternative to running an ethernet cable.

Wire up every device you can, and save WiFi for battery powered portable devices like Phones/Tablets/Laptops, I cant tell you how many houses I see that pay for internet faster than there WiFi and they dont wire up anything... they surely complain about how slow there internet is, without realizing they created the problem by insisting on everything being WiFi.. Its a finite resource and cramming more access points into the equation wont help much if any. (you'll probably end up having to put 2 cameras on one channel and 2 cameras on another channel and now you will be jamming out 2/3rds of the entire band and still have mediocre performance and tons of dropouts.. there's only 3 channels in wifi, not 11.. 1/6/11 because your access point overlaps adjacent channels.. an access point can claim all channels aswell for "high performance")
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This forum and its members will NEVER use any potential monetary gain, whether it be through advertising or any other means, to influence opinion and/or reviews of products. It seems that other forums may do so...they should be forthcoming to their members as they are doing them a HUGE disservice. If a manufacturer makes an inferior product they will get called out on it, end of story. Quite frankly this issue is none of your concern.
I have taken all my cameras physically down. I need to understand this technology better than I do now. I am getting quite frustrated with the effect the cameras are having on my network. I transferred all my cameras and the associated windows computer with Blue Iris over to a dedicated linksys router and see the same situation I saw on my Airport Extreme router--apparent heavy loading of the router. As a test and to understand this situation better, I put 2 Foscam F18910 cameras on the Blue Iris system and when they first connect for a few seconds, they run at full frame rate--smoothly at around 15 to 30 fps. Then they freeze for long seconds. Then they run smoothly again and then freeze again. It seems to correspond to any movement that is seen by the camera. I see the clock on Blue Iris freeze and the camera freezes or goes into a very jerky mode.

I have cut the frame rate down on Blue Iris to 1 sec per frame (I do not see a way to change the frame rate on the camera itself). That appears to have little help. I need to educate myself, so I am going to shelve this project for a while. If you have any ideas of where I can increase my knowledge I would appreciate it.

I just can't believe I have not left out something because no one would put up with the performance I am seeing. However, it surprises me that I would not be able to get decent performance from these cameras with a basic out of the box setup and with the up to date equipment I have.
Wifi is never going to be good. Part of your problem is the foscams..and their bandwidth hogging mpeg compression vs. the more modern h.264.
Others have said otherwise. After you made similar statements here:

The problem with cam-it is that the moderators (particularly ssayer who owns a bunch of foscams) consistently delete posts that are negative towards foscam. Therefore although there are TWO folks who state that they have no issues, there may have been another 20 who had problems but their posts were deleted...unfortunately we will never know...
Too bad is already taken or i would take it and redirect it here.

Too funny... I have no experience with fos.. but I did check on that Dot Com.. and you can use it now.. it's up for grabs... (grin).

I think anything.. has bad sides and good sides. So that's why I joined this Forum.. to get folks on the Forum to give opinions.

Scooter :D