Camera not recording to SD card


Getting the hang of it
Apr 7, 2023
I’ve got a camera not recording to an SD card. My initial issue was that the camera was not overwriting and would stop recording all together. I formatted the FAT32 SD card and now nothing will record to it. This is in a Z12E. I have the same card in another Z12E and it operates as expected by recording and overwriting. Should I just buy some better SD cards?

Edit: it’s recording some of the cameras triggers but not all. BI is catching and documenting all external events from the camera.
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I suggest you first enable 'SD card error' event. This way you can get an alert from it. Although the camera's logs should mention an SD card failure without this set.


Every setting needed to use the SD card on your camera:
This is permissions to overwrite a full SD card.
Schedule recording and what event type ('general' is constant).

Set the 'local storage' (SD card).
Attribute must be 'Read & Write' to save data.
Record type for 'local' should be your scheduled event (image above) and if you want motion/alarm.

Irrelevant to you using Blue Iris, but recording to the SD is constantly needed for an NVR's 'ANR' feature.
- Added this image in incase someone has Googled the problem and found IPCT (Welcome along! :) ).
I've had a couple of cases where an SD card that didn't work in one camera works perfectly good in another camera.
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Now, pretty sure it’s a bum sd card. However, I can record “general” and the camera records to the card no problem. IVS events registering in BI are not being recorded to the sd card. Have any of y’all experienced this?
These are typically problem free in my experience.
Samsung Pro Endurance
This is one of them that didn't work in one of my cameras, but a lower cost Adata card works, so "typically" is the right word. It could be as simple as a camera at one end of the spec range not liking a card at the other end of the spec range. I get all of my cards from Newegg proper (meaning not an outside vendor listed on the Newegg web site).
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If the camera records on the card trouble free whenever general recording is enabled, then I am somewhat sceptical that it is the card. But swapping it to rule out an option for some $10 seems the right step.
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