Camera Placement Questions


Jun 23, 2019
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Hello all!

First, I wanted to thank everyone for their help with my questions thus far. The expertise and willingness to help on this site is amazing and greatly appreciated.

I ordered my first camera today, an IPC-T5442T-ZE. My plan is to use a test rig (like mentioned many times here) and check actual function for the different locations I have picked for my cameras. I won't be able to get all of my cameras at once, but will add a few every month or 2 as budget allows. Anyway, I'm posting with questions on placement. I have 2 snapshots from the IPVM Camera Calculator and wanted to get some input.

This first pic is in front of our garage, the front door/entry and a potential LPR. I probably won't add the LPR until later, but just trying to plan right now. The eaves are 9 foot, so for actual ID, I know I'd need to mount cameras at a lower height. The green and purple would be overlooking the concrete pad in front of our garage. The orange is looking back towards the front door/sidewalk. I'm not sure if that should be moved to the corner of the house, looking back at the door or if I should have one at each location. I plan to have one at the front door, 5' high catching faces. The blue is the LPR. Does that location look ok?
Pic1, Driveway-Entry-LPR.jpg

This second pic is of the front of the house, the backyard (thinking overview) and 2 cameras overlooking the deck, which has a door there. The blue I would think would be for overwatch, with a camera next to it looking down that side of the house. The reason I put 2 on the deck is due to the blind spots showing, and the ability to cover the door from 2 points of view. The orange would be more overwatch for the back yard. This would be 2 stories high as this is an atrium ranch and that portion is the tallest part of the house. Should I attempt to bring that camera lower or is it ok as is for overwatch? There is also a door roughly where the shadow of the deck ends. I would place 2 cameras watching that area, one probably under the deck and possibly one next to the door, high enough to ID.

Also, the corner by the green camera is an entry door to the garage. This one is tricky as it is a small area, and I'm not sure where the best place for a camera would be. The eave where I have the green camera positioned would be partially blocked by the fireplace/chimney bump out. My thought was to put one in the garage, looking at that door and call it good, but I don't know if there would be a better location outside to cover this door.

Finally, for the front porch camera, it would get direct sunlight (faces east) for a good portion of the day. How will that effect the longevity of putting a dome there (one of the wedge domes) with the UV effecting the dome? Would I be better off with a turret in that location for ID purposes?

Pic2, Side-BackYard-Deck1-Deck2.jpg

I'm sure I've missed something (or multiple some-things.....
). Please let me know your thoughts with this plan.

Thanks in advance!


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Aug 8, 2018
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
I ordered my first camera today, an IPC-T5442T-ZE. My plan is to use a test rig (like mentioned many times here) and check actual function for the different locations I have picked for my cameras.
This is a good start. Your post has a LOT of info in it so some may not reply right away.

Yes 9 feet is high. But it all depends on how far away you are looking as to getting a face shot. See diagram below.

Angle of attack.jpg

The only REAL way to know is to test. Many of us here can arm wave all we want based on your diagrams, but that is only educated guesses since we are not there to actually see the house and grounds. Perhaps shots of the outside of the home would help get you more feedback.

  • LPR: that tree will probably be an issue. I doubt that the T5442 ZE is going to have enough zoom to get good plates. Maybe the B5442 Z4 or a 5241 Z12 like many of us use would be a better choice. See the LPR threads.
  • Front door: I think that you have two good overview shots, but really need at least one or two focused for faces at the front door, like you stated.
  • Having a cam inside the garage pointed towards the door(s) is smart. I have two in my garage.
  • You might consider running a cable or two to the wooded area south of the concrete pad and have a cam or two pointed back towards the garage.

Again, but really the only way to know is to use that test rig and test. Plans should never be set in stone. My final/current setup is very different than my original plan. Plans evolve as you get experience and have cams installed and look at the views over time.


Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
Thanks for your input. Sorry, I guess I did post a small book for a question….. I guess you could say I’m getting excited to finally start testing everything out.

The 2 trees in the front yard should be far enough north of the driveway and the corner I’d be mounting that it should be ok and not in the line of sight for that part of the driveway. Of course, I’d test first. The top part of the circle drive is the crest of a hill coming from the road. I’d want to get cars as they are cresting that hill, before the would enter the circle drive. I would definitely put a camera meant for that purpose, rather than a 5442.

I hadn’t thought of a camera looking back at the garage, but an excellent idea. Wouldn’t be too hard to run it out of the basement and bury conduit to a location there close to the wood line.

I’ll try to get some exterior pics of the house up tomorrow.

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Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
Here’s a couple pics of the house if that will help.





Garage-entry door. This is the one that’s a bit tricky. Whether a wedge or turret low, one in the garage looking at that door or both?


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