Can I set different confidence levels based on object types?


Getting the hang of it
Mar 28, 2024
I am running Code Project with the ipcam-combined model. I want deer alerts to fire when they are 90% or higher confidence and then I want person alerts to fire when 70%. Having different sensitivities for AI objects is how nearly all native camera AI works, but can't find a way to do it here.

Thanks. I'll see if that also works for the push notifications too (so I can have the alerts register at lower confidence while only getting notifications for higher confidence)

That did work but am having trouble with the AI alerts. As you can see, it thought I was a DOG. I tried using the multiple alerts before actions feature but it doesn't seem to work as anticipated. When walking near the camera for a minute, it does not ever fire the action for the push notif. But it does register the alert. I even set the motion sensitivity all the way down and it still doesn't fire with this feature enabled. In Reolink I eliminated 95% of false alarms by setting a minimum and maximum object size, and an alarm delay. Due to how the AI is piggy backed off of the motion sensing feature, lowering the sensitivity decreases the likelyhood of false alarms, but results in less footage being recorded. On Reolink I could set the cameras to motion sensing and the alerts fired separately. So I could have the motion sensing very sensitive without getting false alarms. It seems the way you reduce false alarms in Blue Iris with the AI running, is to reduce the amount of motion events. I can't set a minimum or maximum AI object size or an alarm delay. VERY Frustrated so as of now I just use low motion sensitivity + continuous recording. It actually runs better that way ironically because I am not getting motion events every second for each outdoor camera.


I'm still getting false AI alarms when it rains/snows. And also it is detecting trees as objects as well. If I set the confidence up to 75% to filter this all out, then it fails to detect when there actually is deer. It seems the code project AI is whack because it is detects deer and snow as having about the same confidence level. As much as I hate reolink, I never had these problems. Why is there no way to set an alarm delay and a maximum object size?

It's extremely challenging to avoid false alerts with the Blue Iris Motion sensor under these conditions and the FOV you're using.
If your camera supports it, try triggering on 'ONVIF/camera inputs' (Camera settings > Trigger tab).
If the camera is a Dahua, you'll need to set up IVF rules.
Even with my PTZs zoomed in a little it still has false motion detection triggers, mainly when the PTZ moves from a patrol zone, it will detect a tree or something as an object.


Right now I am using these settings for the motion trigger and AI. About to give up on the AI alerts because it seems like it is low grade. Reolink AI worked much better but not all of my cameras are Reolink or have the pet detection AI which I rely on to detect deer in my yard chewing up my plants.
