can not get Dahua cam set up on BI network


Pulling my weight
Dec 10, 2018
Pearland, Texas
I know I must be missing something easy here...
After init install and setup of the New Cam I changed the IP on the CAM. (Static IP)
I set up my Dahua cam thru my switch on say Vlan 70 (setup and test Vlan) to my laptop. .All works great.
I have changed the IP settings for the Cam to 198.168.73.XX . And set my BI adapter to the 192.168.73.xx net work.
Then I plug the Cam into anther port on switch. ( Vlan 73) with my BI machine and go thru chrome to open the Dahua Software...and get can not find the a Cam (took too long)

Should I have set my Laptop to the exact same IP as the BI when setting up the CAM ??
The Cam should be seen by my BI if on the Same Vlan and network ?? correct ??

Need some help here...
Is the laptop on the same vlan as the BI machine? If so then you'll need to have an ip address in the same range as the BI machine. What is the full ip configuration of each device?
Well, at first the laptop was in the Factory IP range of the CAM and on another Vlan 70 ( Vlan 70 only has 2 ports-untagged)...once I got into the Dahua program. I changed the IP of the Cam to the IP range of the BI machine.(Then Saved the IP)
Then Unplugged the Cam from the Switch and put it into another Port....This port was untagged and on the Vlan 73 of the BI machine.
IP is listed above../24.. er

Now, I was wondering on initial setup, should I have my laptop have the exact IP as the BI would on the other VLAN 73.
When I set my Laptop adapter to the .73.xx that the BI network is on It test fine when on the Vlan 70.
maybe I will move both the Cam and the laptop over to the Vlan 73 and see if the Laptop can access the Cam.
Thoughts ??
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Remember, each vlan is its own separate network. If you're trying to communicate between devices on different vlans, you need a router. I'm having a hard time understanding how you have things configured right now. Only you can see how your network is exactly set up. When I asked for the full ip configuration of each device, that included the default gateway too. If you can either provide a network diagram or a detailed configuration of your set up, then a faster resolution may be in your future. Remember to include the full ip config of each device and what is plugged into what port on the switch. Also what ports are in what vlans.
Here is a quick topography of my test setup....
Note** Switch not connected to the INTERNET (just says NET. Below)
ALL VLANS on the Switch are untagged. No Default Gateways....on both laptops(Blank)
So to recap I set up the laptop and Cam get into Dahua program.(Vlan 70) Everything working good. I change IP settings on Cam to the NEW Vlan 73 Network.
I pull the Cam out of port 9. Put into port 10. Wait a few minutes. Then try to get into the Dahua Program from my BI machine on port 24. I CAN NOT CONNECT.
Maybe when I am changing the setting on the cam to the Vlan 73 Net. I set Static IP on the Cam to the Vlan 73 network.
The Dahua program is setting some DNS numbers (below the IP I entered) that I can not remove. Not sure if that is a problem ?
Network set up for Test.jpg
Here is a quick topography of my test setup....
Note** Switch not connected to the INTERNET (just says NET. Below)
ALL VLANS on the Switch are untagged. No Default Gateways....on both laptops(Blank)
So to recap I set up the laptop and Cam get into Dahua program.(Vlan 70) Everything working good. I change IP settings on Cam to the NEW Vlan 73 Network.
I pull the Cam out of port 9. Put into port 10. Wait a few minutes. Then try to get into the Dahua Program from my BI machine on port 24. I CAN NOT CONNECT.
Maybe when I am changing the setting on the cam to the Vlan 73 Net. I set Static IP on the Cam to the Vlan 73 network.
The Dahua program is setting some DNS numbers (below the IP I entered) that I can not remove. Not sure if that is a problem ?
View attachment 62985

Let's forget the Dahua program for the moment. Ignore the DNS as you are not doing hostname to IP resolution.

The camera should have an IP address of 192.168.73.x in order to communicate with the BI machine on vlan 73.

The BI machine should have an IP address of 192.168.73.x as it's on vlan 73.

Can you ping the camera from the BI pc? If so, type the IP of the camera in the web browser and see if it brings up the web interface.

Remember, anything plugged into ports 8 and 9 cannot communicate with anything plugged into ports 10 - 24 as there is no route between the 2 vlans.
Let's forget the Dahua program for the moment. Ignore the DNS as you are not doing hostname to IP resolution.

The camera should have an IP address of 192.168.73.x in order to communicate with the BI machine on vlan 73. It does

The BI machine should have an IP address of 192.168.73.x as it's on vlan 73. It also does

Can you ping the camera from the BI pc? NOPE..... If so, type the IP of the camera in the web browser and see if it brings up the web interface.

Remember, anything plugged into ports 8 and 9 cannot communicate with anything plugged into ports 10 - 24 as there is no route between the 2 vlans. That is correct.
I just use 8 and 9 (Vlan 70) to test if Cam is working (Initial log) and then change the IP of the Cam over to what the New Vlans (73) IP will Be and SAVE.
Now I can change the Adapter settings on the laptop to the new IP of the Cam(set for the Vlan 73) on ports 8/9 and relog into the CAM it works fine.
But as soon as I move the cam over to the actual Vlan 73 and have the BI machine try..No Joy..

I think I will move the Laptop over to Vlan 73 and ping the BI to see if things are working...Really Busy ATM. I will try Friday or this weekend.
UPDATE *** moved the Laptop over to the Vlan 73 and changed Adapter settings to match the Network 73.x..Still- No Joy. I Could not ping BI.
I could Ping the CAM with the LAPTOP on Vlan 73
Moved BI to another Port..No Help...

Must be my adapter settings in my BI machine....will report back.
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