Can this be done, if so how?


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
Didn’t know what to put for the title so apologies.

I currently have 2 cams which I’ve cloned, the clones record my front driveway all the time with no alerts. The masters of each cam I’ve setup with IVS to externally trigger, alert and record on BI on movement within a specific area. When one these triggers it also triggers the other and vice versa so that I have 2 views of the same area.

Now the recording that the masters make has already been captured by the clones so I’m wasting recording space by effectively having duplicate recordings.

So would it be possible to somehow combine the above so that when the external alert triggered by IVS is made the alert points to the clone which is recording which would save on having duplicate recordings.

Although I’ve played around with BI quite a lot I just can’t get my head around if what I want to do is possible. Hope the above makes some sense.


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Yes, do it the same way except have the master trigger the clone to put an alert on it and then set the master to not record.
OMG thanks, I think I’ve been over thinking it, my thoughts were all around getting rid of the clones and trying to do everything with just the one master cam which I couldn’t get my head around.