Cannot Fast Forward (8x,16x,64x,256x) when reviewing Clips

Dr Noisewater

Getting the hang of it
Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
I posted this issue yesterday but did not get any replies. I wanted to try to restate the issue another way in hopes that someone may have an idea to share.
The trouble is when viewing clips on my Iphone 11, I cannot fast forward without the video freezing. This seems to have happened when upgrading to the latest versions of Blue Iris for one reason or another.

Current Setup:
24 cameras / Blue Iris
Dedicated Computer (19% cpu usage on average)
Limit Decoding not being used
Substreams are active
Recording 24/7

Could there be some settings that may need optimization to improve the playback issues?


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Just tested on my iPhone, yes the clip does pause but this must be due to having to wait whilst it fetches/streams the data from the server.

Too many things like the reliability of your phone connection, speed of your internet, what the BI box is doing at the exact moment you view the clip etc. could all be having an impact.

If it’s a real issue I suggest you log a call with support and get their views and suggestions.