Cannot get BI to include "Server Address" (External) in Alert Emails.


Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
In Camera Properties -> Alerts -> Email,
the "help" panel says I can use &Cam, &Type, and other Macros in the subject line.
This is not working on my system. In fact, &Cam works in the subject line, but not the body!
&Server does not work either.

I might be able to configure Camera Properties -> Alerts -> Request a Web Service,
to go to DynDNS and get my external IP, but when I test this, it says that it receives 150 bytes, but
I have no idea where these bytes are stored or if they can be used anywhere.
Anyway, all I want to do is to include the external IP address in either the subject or the body of an alert email.
The system seems to already know this external address, as seen in Blue Iris Properties -> Web Server

I dont really want to use a dns "service" for my ever-changing external IPs. I just want
to know the address, and will access the web server from that.



Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
There is an option under Camera Properties -> Alerts where you can opt to go to a web service.
I configured this to do something similar:
When I hit "Test" on this panel, the system confirmed "150 bytes received".
Great! This is no-doubt the external IP!

The only problem is that BI does not tell you where these 150 bytes are stored (IF they're stored),
and if or how you can access them.

The "help" is of no use, and so far, neither has BI tech-support been of any help.

Again, the BI system already knows the external IP. You can even configure how often you want
it to go out and check.

There's just no way to get this info into your alert email.

Tech support suggested that I include &SERVER in the email subject or body.
This does not work.

My only other option would be to include "Run a Program" during a camera alert, go to and
email the results separately. Not an ideal solution, since the BI system already has this info.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I understand what you are trying to accomplish but it just seems silly when it is so much easier to use dynamic dns. I cant seem to understand why you would want to keep manually changing your login every time your address changes.


Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I understand what you are trying to accomplish but it just seems silly when it is so much easier to use dynamic dns. I cant seem to understand why you would want to keep manually changing your login every time your address changes.
Thanks, but I'm sorta "old school" when it comes to relying on some outside (even "free") entity for my access.

A simple IP address+port# would allow me to go directly to my web server from any remote location.

What I find so frustrating about this whole thing is that the Blue Iris system already knows the external IP at the time the alert is generated.
Why is it so friggin hard to include this in the outgoing email/text???

If I had the external IP in the subject or body of the alert email, I could simply go to it in order to query the system, whereas if some "free dns" site decides to cease operating, I'm screwed.